Wednesday 13 March 2024

From GrahameH 15mm - Venice and Cold War French - (602 points)

Just finished off the troops from Venice for the Italian Wars. Nothing too taxing a pike block, some arquebusiers, crossbow  etc.  

48 man Pike Block.

Arquebusier 2 Units 18 figures each.

9 Figure Mounted Crossbow Unit.

18 figure Crossbow Unit (not sure I like the flags being at the back)

Sub Gen

4 Crew Artillery Piece 

All the figures are 15mm Essex. I made a bit of a mistake on the Sub General, by giving him the same flag as my other Sub General so will need to change that.

To celebrate finish off one of the Italian Wars armies at last I thought I'd give myself a treat and paint some more green. I thought I must becoming to the end of the NATO armies now, but it would seem I still have Battlegroups from Canada (I have been putting them off because of the strange colour camouflage their vehicles had in 1984), Belgium, Denmark and Sweden. You have to have Swedes they have the "S" tank. I have a serious problem. 

So the French. I again had painted all the infantry so it was just the vehicles to do. All 15mm from Battlefront and Butlers (3D prints)

The Recce Plt. A Butler print of a AML-60 

AMX-10P. Six of these, which are used for the Bn HQ, Mech Coys, Support Coys and as a FO.

A GCT 155mm SP. There are two of these Battlefront Miniatures.

And Six AMX-30Bs, making up two Armoured Companies.

That's it, or so I thought. As I said I have a problem and it would seem I had purchased another French Battlegroup. I can only assume I thought I needed more Infantry and I some VAB for completeness!!

So the second French Battlegroup - The Berlin Garrison.

Another AMX-30B Company (3 Tanks)

The Support Company, VAB APC with two Milan teams and a VAB APC with 120mm mortar. 

Another GCT 155mm SP (2 per Battery)

The Recce Plt with a M201 Jeep

AA Plt. 

An Infantry Company (there are 4 infantry companies in this BG)

A VAB. Theses are the transport for the infantry coys, FO and HQ

Finally a Gazelle, for a bit of air support. 

So the Points


11 Mounted = 44pts
A Gun = 4pts
106 Infantry = 212pts 

Total = 260

The French 

31 Vehicles = 248pts
47 Infantry = 94pts 

Total = 342pts 

Grand Total = 602pts 

Well, the Challenge is nearly concluded, but GrahameH does not seem to be slowing down, as yet another Richter-scale points bomb arrives! I do love the look of the modern French kit for this period. 
602 points it is.


  1. Very nice- I like your Cold War French!

  2. Excellent stuff, love those Venetians

  3. Wow indeed. That is a lot of green. The colorful Venetians look great.

  4. Wow! That is a superb entry, Grahame. I especially like the 15mm Italian War stuff. Well done!

  5. another great points bomb, great minis, its getting close now as I expected it to be

  6. Love the Italian Wars figures, Graham, what rules are you gonna use?

  7. Excellent painting - the Italian Wars stuff looks great. Wondering myself if 15mm is a better scale for this campaign.

  8. Great job with the Venitians Grahame, the French Cold War stuff is excellent as well!

  9. Only 600 points eh? Slacker. Nice work here Grahame!

  10. it was great following your Venice project, top notch!
