Sunday 3 March 2024

From PeteF: A Phoenix for The Oversized Section (40 points)

Fire is hard to paint! And there's plenty on this rather lovely sculpt from Mantic Games.  It's a Kings of War model, a Titan, which can be included in both the Salamanders (Lizards riding lizards are definitely something I want to paint more) and Basileans (haughty paladin do-gooding types) factions.

I got the model as prize support at a tournament a while back - I guess the original owner decided against painting all that fire.  It's been sitting on the Pile of Potential waiting for the right moment to rise.  I have to thank Curt and the other Challenge organizers for the themed sections - I don't have an overarching project on the go at the moment and having to come up with models for each section has forced me to try new things and leave my comfort zone.

This one also gave me an excuse to try some new paints from AK - my local store has really branched out now with Vallejo(game, model and air), AP, Citadel, AK, Scale Color, Turbo Dork and I think a few more.  Two yellows an orange and a red make up the fire effects set and I loved using these paints.

The model is about 6 inches high and 8 inches across - full stretch wingspan would be around a foot- quite imposing on the gaming table.  I'll have to paint a whole bunch of lizards or knights if I want to use it for Kings of War.  

Maybe score this as a 28mm vehicle for 20 points plus 20 for the room.

Challenge XIV got off to a slooow start for me, but since January I've managed to perambulate through various sections of the Analogueville Library and make a weekly post.  I don't think I'll have time to complete all the sections but with the phoenix that makes at least two sections of four rooms - which I think means I can request a visit to Rare and Antique Books - hopefully there's enough time left to complete this - and maybe a few more challenges.

Great work, and great to hear that you are moving outside of your comfort zone with the challenge here. Was wondering what you would do here, and this looks to be the business for bigger is better. 

Great job, and 40 pts for you


  1. A very nice convincing fire effect. That will definitely dominate the battle board.

  2. Very nice Eagle Pete and the flame effect comes across very well especially that shot from behind

  3. Wow! Paint job is on fire! Well done!

  4. Wow indeed! Wonderful job on the flames. That bird is cooking with gas!

  5. What can I say but repeat above Wow this is amazing the flames are spot on

  6. That's a great miniature! I, too, enjoy painting unusual things for the Challenge.

  7. those fire effects are truly terrific!

  8. Great painting on unique model!

  9. Great figure and a splendid fire effect!
    Best Iain

  10. Awesome work. The flames look fabulous. Well done.

  11. Whoa …. That flame effect is terrific! 🔥
