Tuesday 12 March 2024

From PeterD: Femmes Fatales for Biography and True Crime (50 points)

Once again.it is a two post week from me, but smaller than I had planned.  It turns out that those 4Ground pdf chariots are really fragile when dropped from table height....

Two figures from Bad Squiddo Games, Zenobia on the left and Nancy Wake on the right.

This is a nice casting with lots of potential for bling.  Were I to do her again I'd do the robe in a darker colour (purpled maybe) to show off the gold better.

Empress Zenobia of Palmyra is my entry for Biography.  She was a serious challenger for the Roman Emperor Aurelian during the Third Century Crisis.  She acted as Regent for her son after the death of her husband and then declared herself Empress and conquered most of Rome's Eastern Empire.  Aurelian eventually defeated her army and captured her.  Her ultimate fate is debated, but her story has inspired numerous books, paintings and Operas and she is still seen as a cultural icon in Syria.

She had me dipping into both Crimson and Purple, left overs of the former for me started on the livery for my Empire Halbadiers.

The camera tends to pick up flaws that aged eyes miss. Zenobia's cloak has picked up some white which will be fixed after post time.

The female of the species is more deadly than the male!  A bit of Kipling Poetry to annoy GregB.  

Nancy Wake was another SOE operative in occupied France.  Her life story is (as expected) literally the stuff of adventures and films.   I will claim her for the True Crime section, as the Germans certainly considered her a criminal, and as she has a serious femme fatale look to her.

A little powder and a little drink on the way, and I'd pass their (German) posts and wink and say, 'Do you want to search me?' God, what a flirtatious little bastard I was

Once again, the colour palette is based on the Bad Squiddo examples in their online store.   It's lovely oufit.

My updated Map shows that I have ticked off at least two sections of four library rooms which means that I am ready for the Rare and Antiques books section.

That's 10 points for the two 28mm foot figures and 20 for each of two bonus sections for a total of 50 points.

Zenobia is a lovely figure, Peter! Once again a very original choice, well done. Nancy Wake really steals the show though, what a fantastic model. I like the way she is casually inspecting her fingernails while holding a deadly argument behind her back. Fabulous, and you did a fine paint job on her too. I am not entirely convinced of the true crime connection, but I definitely agree that she has a criminally enticing look about her. 50 very efficient points then!



  1. Great work Peter - love the Empress in particular. The sort of story that causes one to go "hey, gaming that whole period might be fun!"

    1. Thanks Greg. I amazed that AlanD hasn't fielded a Zenobia yet this challenge. You may also recall that I suggested Barks name his daughter Zenobia.

    2. It was a strong contender, Peter.

    3. 😂 it can always be a nickname!

  2. Excellent work, I like the purple on the Empress.

  3. Great choices for your painting. I really enjoyed reading more about both. Hopefully your chariots can be saved!

    1. Cheers Tom. The bodging and fudging looks promising.

  4. Two lovely sculpts ,very nicely done!
    Best Iain

  5. Love these Peter. Zenobia is fabulous and while your take on Nancy Wake as 'True Crime' is a little tenuous, you can't argue with such a great mini.

  6. watch out for the sneaky one with the knife she dangerous, hey they all look great nice post.

    1. Yeah it’s the sting in the tail you gotta watch for

  7. Very nice. Never really done the side challenge. Think I will next year. Gives a good opportunity to paint different stuff

    1. Thanks, I don’t bend over backwards for the bonus themes, but I’ll try to fit them into my plans where they work. In this case I just liked the figures…

  8. Bad squiddo make excellent figures and with great subjects as well, you have made them proud with your painting I am sure.

    1. Thanks very much Sander. I’m a big fan of Annie’s figures
