Tuesday 12 March 2024

From MartijnN: The Tuesday Tomes, Volume X

And so it ends. It is hard to believe that we have arrived at the final volume of the Analogueville Library Tuesday Tomes, but we have. Spring is nearly upon us, and this is the last Tuesday of scheduled posting. 

I hope you have enjoyed our little forays into the customs and traditions of  my native Netherlands and my adopted Belgium, or Flanders. Today, however, I will let our Tuesday Troopers do the talking. As the Junior Assistant Librarian it has been an honour and a joy to be their Tuesday minion. So, without further ado, here are the final Tuesday Tomes of  Challenge XIV:

- PeterD brings us more Picts 

- and some Dangerous Damsels;

- GregB is fleshing out his Afghan project;

- and we have a special visit from the boss too!


  1. Thanks for shepherding us along for the last dozen Tuesdays Martijn. Appreciate your kind words and encouragement along the way.

  2. You did a fabulous job as our Tuesday Minion, Martijn. I especially enjoyed your culinary posts and short descriptions of life in the Low Countries. :)
