Thursday 14 March 2024

From StephenS: The enemy of my enemy is my friend... [History] (70 points)

G'day Everyone,

For my History location in the Challenge Library, I present a stand of Italian Allies for my Carthaginian Army. Based for Impetus, they will hopefully see action in a few games of To the Strongest as well, which has found favour with some of my gaming mates.

The shields are hand-painted but I had actually intended to use decals on them as I have with most of my army. However, it was a while ago that they were purchased and having moved house during the challenge, I couldn't find them. Assuming I was mistaken about having a set, I stayed up late working on the shields. First thing the next day, I found them in a box of basing material... Still, since I imagine the Italians have defected from the Roman forces of a mate who has strong opinions on the use of decals, the hand-painted shields add a little authenticity to that narrative!

All up, 9 x plastic 28mm figures from Victrix Miniatures and a location bonus for 65 points.



From Millsy: Very nice indeed Stephen! Italians and some of my favourite allies for Carthaginians and you have painted these up a treat. The hand painted shields are wonderful, especially the wreaths which look really cool with the colour variation on the leaves. 5 bonus points for the shields takes you to 70 points for this sub mate.


  1. Hah! Brilliant! I think the shields look ace, and I look forward to tecapturing these deserters when next we meet in battle......

  2. Those Romans might be undercower? :D
    Good work, excellent brushwork and the shields are great.

  3. Very nice mate - hope to see them on the table soon!

  4. Excellent work, the shields look amazing!

  5. Wow, gorgeous work Stephen. The shields are real corkers. Well done!

  6. Love them. Always liked those triple disc cuirasses and gotta love the sheilds.

  7. Magnificent work on those shields!

  8. The detail and colors on the shields really makes this unit pop. Nice work.
