Thursday 14 March 2024

From Kerry T - Norman's home is his castle (300 points)

 Morning afternoon and evening all

First a big thank you to you Millsy for all your hard work in looking after us as our Friday minnion. Millsy's idea and coordination of a regular Tuesday chat for the Friday crew has also been a huge bonus and made this my third challenge even more pleasurable than the previous two. Thank you Millsy

I hope to produce one more post before next week's deadline which will be my final entry of Italian wars cavalry but this one is all about buildings.

I 've shown some of Norman's troops earlier in the challenge, well this is Norman's house!

Ever since starting to collect and paint the Baron's war figures from Footsore I've hankered after a castle. Last year I put one together from a mixture of Tabletop Workshop, Renedra and Ziterdes components and am pleased with it but since then I've taken the plunge and bought a 3D printer. 

I've always loved the range put out by Printable Scenery

They produce a superb range of high quality STL files for a number of periods including Medieval Europe. I felt I also needed more 28mm buildings but the cost of postage to NZ for these is prohibitive. This seemed a no brainer option particularly when I was able to buy both their "King" range and "Country" as late kickstarters for only $US60 each. Each range contains a large number of buildings or castle components with each available as a ruined option as well.

I've quietly been printing components off since late October!

I'd always intended to submit a castle entry and made a start on painting these about 3 weeks ago when I had a week off and finished them off last week

Black spray undercoat and test pot paints from a DIY store 

Printed on a Elegoo Neptune 3PRO filament printer

Dry brushing starts

The garage is the only place to do this

I then dry brushed with a mixture of greys and brown using large brushes

Baron's war figures attack the main gate

One type of corner tower

The Royal gate and towers

The stone fort and stables

The back gate

view from the back

What I love about these various wall, tower and building sections is that they can be configured in multiple ways.
The various wall and tower components

The stone manor

The Square Keep

The King's gate

An idea of the round or Royal component variations

The second level allows for 90 degree or 180 degree angles

I'm not sure I like this roof variant

The stables

I'm the King of the castle - the Norman Stone Fort

It breaks down for storage

The Kings Quarters

Stone fort ruin variants, not yet properly painted so no points for this have been claimed

So many variants!

The Stone Fort ruin is the only ruin variant I've printed off but will likely print off a few broken walls in the long run. I think I might be printing forever especially as I can resize the houses in the Country range in 15mm as well. I'm looking forward to painting the cottage and farm buildings in the range next

As to the points value the following pictures should give an idea

Just about 8 inches high makes this 3 x 2.5 cubes = 7.5

Another 4 cubes and 2 cubes

Never mind the cubes, I think these STL files have to be the beat value wargaming purchase ever even though I've got through quite a bit of filament

I hope my maths are correct this time but my estimate is 13.5 cubes @ 20 points = 270 points

I now have to decide whether to sell off my other castle!

From Millsy: Oh. My. Word! This thing is absolutely spectacular Kerry and I am insanely jealous (apart from your storage requirements). Any game played on a table graced by this gorgeous structure would be an absolute pleasure to participate in. You've absolutely nailed the stonework and I think the blue/grey on the roof is a great choice. This is quite the effort to finish on mate if it does prove to be your last sub it's a cracking way to finish! I've rounded you up to 15 cubes, 13.5 just doesn't seem enough.

And thanks for your kind words. The paint and chat has been great fun and a wonderful way to get more stuff painted!


  1. WOW! Impressive! Great painting, this is fantastic work!

    1. Cheers Dallas, was fun to paint and great to see what was coming off the printer

  2. To echo Dallas - WOW! What a wonderful castle! Looks fantastic! It has been a pleasure painting and chatting with you!

    1. Thanks Alan have really enjoyed Tuesday nights

  3. Amazing. Fantastic painting and a really impressive castle.

  4. Wow, Wow oh my what a wonderful set of buildings they look so good and who doesn't love a good castle, been great catching up over the past 3 months, hope to paint and chat more and one day catch up.

    1. Cheers Kent that would be good, your painting tips have been very useful

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Dave - hope to see you at Partizan this year

  6. Wow again ! Congratulations you are now the proud owner of one impressive Castle!

    1. Thanks Jez, can't believe how good this range is

  7. by jove, you have managed to do what I failed: paint an entire castle! Mine is still not done printing... yours is beautiful! Printable scenery does brilliant stuff indeed.

    1. PS really are good, I need some Italian type city walls now!

  8. That is a whole lot of filament! I have the stl’s too and seeing this amazing result you have got here surely inspires me. A wonderful job Kerry, it looks absolutely fantastic!

  9. Replies
    1. thanks best hobby money I think I've spent

  10. Holy smokes, this is incredible, Kerry! Fabulous work. It all looks so amazing.

    1. Cheers Curt, I'm so looking forward to painting the non- castle buildings next

  11. Stunning work. It came out very nicely. I was tempted by this KS even though I don’t have a 3d printer

    1. Thanks-to be honest Peter its what made me finally buy a printer!

  12. Bravo, sir! Bravo!

    The chap behind printable Scenery is based in NZ, I think. He'll be stoked by this!

    1. Cheers Barks when I have more time after the challenge is over I might post on the farcebook page!

  13. Big thank again to you Millsy

  14. Absolutely incredible. I have a slew of footsore that I was going wait to paint until the next challenge, but this post has started the itch. I have to say that while I'm impressed with the castle, I'm downright jealous of your table and game room. A very nice setup.

  15. Cheers Bob, its just a spare bedroom. or that's what I keep telling my wife!
