Thursday, 20 February 2025

From JezT: Mixed Crossbow - 28mm (35 points)

Hi All 

Small post from me resulting from a "stock check" of my Crossbow figures. I usually play Basic Impetus Bolt Action but for some armies I have based using sabot bases so I can play smaller skirmish games such as Saga using the figures individually. For my Late Crusader army and Normans I was cross mixing using the same figures - I could get away with it although the bases were different. 

Anyway now solved this problem! Firstly found a few old Gripping Beast figures which I painted up for the Late Crusaders - 

Painted to represent City of Jerusalem

Painted as Knights Hospitallers

Next is a pack of Footsore Crossbow painted up to use in the Norman army. These Footsore have a bit more dynamic poses and will match in as I have the Footsore Norman archers and spearmen. 

One was promoted to a Spearman - or is that demoted?

So just a simple 7 foot figures for 35 points this week. 

Cheers Jez

TeemuL: Simple 35 points, but very good brushwork and nice to hear your plans to use these models in your various games. I love the light blue colours on the first one.