Monday, 10 February 2025

From KentG: 28mm Crusades cavalry & English civil war 28mm regiment of Foote (310pts)

Kicking of this week with 6 Templars cav by Perry Miniatures 
They are metals and I had so much fun painting them

Next up another five  knights and a couple of clergy but this time
Generic mix I think I’m getting addicted to painting these shields
They are. A challenge but at the same time so satisfying when they are finished

Here’s a couple of close ups of a few shields 

This is the last of the clergy boxset, I think these will be a great addition 
To some game scenario’s 

Next up is commission where the chap said just do what you want so I chose 
John Talbots regiment of Foote
Simply wanted to have another crack at yellow 

The regiments made up of 8 pike 4 command figures and 24
Shot sorry I forgot to take a pic of them all together.

Really pleased with my new crack at the yellow

The customer isn’t to keen on flowers or grass tufts

The figures are all renegade miniatures 
Sadly you can’t get these anymore because they are 
So nice to paint up.

             So let’s total up the weeks points

             36 x 28mm infantry @ 5pts each  = 180 pts
             13 x 28mm cavalry well ones a donkey @10pts = 130
              Total of 310pts

From Millsy:

Another gorgeous crop of quality metalwork Kent!

The Perry crusaders are glorious and the clergy are something you don't see very often. Little vignettes like this are what bumps a wargame table beyond the norm into the realms of something special.

Talbot's regiment is like looking through a window from my gaming past. I have the exact same miniatures painted up for Talbot's regiment too. I've always liked mixing poses into a until and the standing / loading minis add a real sense of a point in time during a battle.

Lovely work mate and another hefty chunk of points for your tally!



  1. I love the colours on the Regiment of Foote, those little splashes of red are great.

    1. Cheers Barks was really please with the final regiment and have now started the next regiment.

  2. Very nicely done. what paints did you use for Talbot's jacket colours? Comes out as a very nicely 'worn' yellow.

    1. Hey Bart the yellow is English uniform, then Japanese uniform the 50/50 Japanese uniform and flat yellow then added a little white into the last mix for some small amount of highlights, probably could have not done the English uniform looking back, then I lightly washed th yellow with citadel sepia wash and the used ultra matt varnish brushed on removing any pools of the liquid so I didn't get any pooling. seems like a lot but it's actual quite quick to do

  3. Excellent work here. The shields are really top notch. All are done very well.

    1. Thanks Bruce just another 8 cav to do and then onto 12th Century knights

  4. Excellent stuff Kent. I always like your ponies and those are quite some moustaches on Talbot’s Foote!

    1. Thanks Simon, I have videos on my Youtube channel showing how to paint them if you are interested

  5. So much eye candy Kent! Love those Crusaders, especially the shields.

    1. Glad you like them Peter, they are a fun paint

  6. Truly lovely painting on all these figures. Great shields and yellow.

  7. Gorgeous brushwork Kent! Lovely work on the shields.

    1. Cheers Curt, really enjoying this years painting, not such a rush and a bit more variety is helping.

  8. The shields are amazing - you have a very steady hand!

    1. Cheers, not every shield looks that good to start with sometimes the hand isn't quite as steady but this round of shields just worked first time which made it a bit more fun

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Martin, only 8 more to do then onto the 12th maybe 13th Century knights next

  10. That’s some mighty fine work right there! The Templars are my favourites and you've nailed the black cloth

    1. thanks Moiterei, the black is actually quite easy now that I've worked the shades out, flat back over a black undercoat, the German grey and lastly dark grey works every time which makes life easier.

  11. Those are so well done Kent, they really stand out

  12. Great painting - really like the Norman Knights and as everyone has commented the shields are really excellent - your hard work really paid off! Cheers Jez

  13. Kent great work on the crusader shields. And you've done a wonderful job on my favourite ECW sculpts - such a shame they are gone
