Sunday, 16 February 2025

From Millsy: Ylthari's Guardians and Sylvaneth Heroes (30 points)

G'day All,

My brain needed a change from Orcs and Arabs, and with a busy week ahead I decided on something smaller than my normal weekly effort to paint for this submission. I've already got a number of Sylvaneth minatures painted as a warband for Warcry and I've added to that now as I move towards a playable force for Age of Sigmar.

Ylthari's Guardians

Ylthari's Guardians is a Warhammer Underworlds Warband, several of which I've bought now to give me options in Warcry list building and simply because they are just amazing, one off characterful sculpts.

My personal favourite is the miniature with the glaive and the flowers but they are each beautiful in their own way and were thoroughly enjoyable to paint.

Sylvaneth Heroes

Druanti the Arch-Revenant and a Branchwych are two hero / characters than can do double duty, either as heavy hitters in Warcry or as low-middling level commanders in Age of Sigmar.

Druanti the Arch-Revenant

I'm not sold on the purple wings and I may repaint them later to something close to the skin tone. What do you think?

Both are slightly modified from the standard build. I've swapped out Druanti's shield for something a little less chunky and more elegant, and left off the scorpion tail the Branchwych normally sports as I just think it looks weird and doesn't suit the miniature at all. If you didn't know it was missing you'd think this is what the completed mini looks like.


These are all on or near 40mm in scale (but not quite!) and as they're technically 28mm (what does that even mean now?) I've scored them as such...

6 x 28mm miniatures = 30 points

Thanks for looking!


Oooooohhh! These are very beautiful and terrifying figures and painted so well! The blues and purples look ethereal, a cool contrast to the dark woods of their bodies. Very effective and characterful and fun on the gaming table. I also really like the runic standing stones, great back drop!

30 points to you

- Sarah


  1. Models look great. and the purple wings work but I would do a bit of a gradient to a desaturated purple

  2. I like the purple wings! Great job on these, wonderful colours and lovely stone scenery as well.

  3. Well that is indeed a change . Very colourful and creative indeed

  4. Great painting on some interesting figures. Would not want to meet them on a walk in the woods.

  5. Very nice figures and wonderful painted! I like them a lot.

  6. Those are teriffic! Lovely work all round. Love how the Green and Browns contrast with the light blue and purple

  7. Stunning painting again Millsy, the fleshwork is extraordinarily good

  8. If you go down to the woods today, you're in for a big surprise...
    Amazing work there, Millsy - these faerie folk take no prisoners!

  9. Nice figures, they're pretty weird, but still look brilliant.

  10. Great work on fine miniatures Millsy

  11. Wonderful work, like the purples. Also love the stones in the background.
