Sunday, 2 February 2025

From TeemuL: Horticulous Slimux on Mulch (25 points)

Horticulous Slimux the Grand Cultivator of the Garden of Nurgle. I know many of the participants are eager gardeners, this miniature is a humble tribute to all of you. This is my second copy of the same miniature. First one I painted as part of Nurgle Daemon army for Age of Sigmar and I got this second one as a Christmas gift shortly after and decided to bring him as an ally for my Death Guard army for Warhammer 40000. I didn't have any daemons in my 40k army and I was struggling to figure how to paint him as a daemon, but still part of the army. Problem was solved by dropping out of 40k gaming... But since this was a gift, I felt obliged to paint it and year ago I assembled and primed it for previous Challenge, but never got further. Slimux has been staring at me for a year, so I decided I have to paint him and figure the colours while going. I have been painting him for a month, most often focusing on the other minis, because I didn't know what colours to use and how to paint.

In the end I followed the colours of my Death Guard army and tried to do my best with organic surface. I guess it is ok. Some of my Death Guard shown here: Death Guard. Hmm, six years ago... Time flies like a fly.... So the mount and rider are both quite white, that's basically white paint under Reikland Fleshshade. Then there are some greens to show connection to Nurgle and orange contrasts that nicely. And the combination of colours looks rather sick. Horns, nails, bones and similar are yellowish and woods are dark brown, looking a bit rotten I hope.

Rather new multipart plastic Warhammer 40k/AoS Nurgle Daemon special character. Barks and others, I'm quite sure you all are eagerly counting the skulls on this beauty! There are none...

I'm currently at the fourth circle of Abyss and next one would be Wrath, but I'd like to travel to Violence instead. I'm not fast enough to go through all the locations. Traditionally a female figure has been accepted as a passage to a different location, but this year devils and daemons are accepted, too, in the Abyss. Slimus is definitely a Nurgle Deamon looks a daemon enough, not sure about the female... In case he/she is a mortal and not a daemon, the Nurgling used as a bait is definitely a daemon. So I should be safe.

And the points... Is this a cavalry model? Or vehicle? Vehicle with a crewman/daemon? Or two crewmembers? How many points? Well, at least 10 for a cavalry, but Mulch is rather big, so might be counted as a vehicle, too. The oval base is 105x70mm. I'll leave the decision to knowable hands of minion Sarah.


Hi Teemu

If I were to see this creature-thingy in my garden beds,  I would feel the need to either crush it with my spade or to spray it with some sort of toxic weed killer. Actually, I lie ... I would shriek and hope Curt would come to my rescue!
I rule that it's very much a 'vehicle' and am adding another 5 (Minion's Whim) for the 'yuck' factor and I allow you to pass on to the Violence circle of hell.

25 points to your tally

- Sarah 


  1. Love this model, great fun little touches on it and your painting of it is spot on, well done!

    1. Thank you, Jamie! There were quite a lot of details, but not too much.

  2. Lovely in a totally slimy gross manner. Definitely not something you want to find in your garden.

    1. Thanks, Tom! If you find one of these, then your garden is probably in the phase of transformation...

  3. Definitely very Nurgle-y, and quite a gross looking demon.

  4. This looks gross in the best way! The eyes of the slug creature turned out very nicely

    1. Thanks! The eyes were one of the tricky parts, but trying to keep the limited palette I chose the orange and they turned out quite nice.

  5. Wonderful and colorful work! I like it Teemu!

    1. Thanks Peter, I'm glad I got it out of the desk.

  6. Nurgle is definitely the funnest dark god. I know what you mean about the dearth of skullz, there were none on my Nurgle lord either...

    1. Thanks, Barks! May be Nurgle somehow digests the skulls, just to annoy Khorne?

  7. Thank you, Sarah! Slimux has that "yuck" effect, doesn't he? :)

  8. That's excellent Teemu, a great model with a lot of yuck

    1. Thanks, looks much better painted than in grey plastic. :)

  9. Great painting on a mad miniature ...

  10. Wonderful slug painting Teemu. Quite mad and fun. Well done.

  11. Nice and nasty Teemu. I'm pretty sure that I found this on my lettuce last summer.

  12. Very cool, and horrifying, entry!

  13. What a rotter, but the paintjob is awesome!
