Sunday, 2 February 2025

From DaveV: 28mm Flame Drake (a.k.a. 4-hex Dragon): 40 points

Dragons are traditionally known for their Greed. One series of fantasy novels assigns differently  coloured dragons to all of the Seven Sins. The Violet Dragon of Lust is a YA novel, an allegorical tale of a knight fighting an undying violet dragon. This WIZKIDS model, though not using that novel as its inspiration, caught my eye immediately when I saw it sitting on the shelf at GameKnight Games, here in Winnipeg.

The plastic model came pre-assembled and primed in white primer. Not my usual undercoat, but I forged ahead to paint it in a purpley-red scheme. I sketched in the basic colours in acrylics, adding shading with various GW and Army Painter washes, emphasizing the shapes of the scaly hide and picking out all the myriad claws, horns, and teeth. I then used tube oil paints both as washes and for some wet-on-wet blending. I tried to render the thin, leathery wings differently from the scales.

I based the model on a diamond shaped piece of thick plastic card. Below, the finished model compared with a cardboard counter from the Wizard microgame, one of the components of The Fantasy Trip:

As with my previous entry, it is based specifically for use with Steve Jackson Games' system, The Fantasy Trip ("TFT"). Such a large model takes up four hexes on the gaming surface; centaurs and horses take up two hexes, and humans, elves, or dwarves only one hex. So, this is a "4-hex Dragon". Larger in-game dragons cover 7 or even 14 hexes. (Note, the grey-edged parts of the base correspond to the model's 4 front facing hexes.)

I ended up super gluing on the groundwork; white glue just contracted as it dried and pulled away in a thin film from the plastic surface. 

Giants in TFT are 3-hex creatures. Below I have another couple of such monsters, pre-painted models from em4, ready for basing and groundwork. Also on the cutting mat can be seen the next 6 Talisman figures in my painting queue (the Sorceress, Assassin, Thief, Halfling, Druid, and Ghoul).


Painting Challenge Total:

The Flame Drake is larger than a 28mm cavalry figure, about the size of a small vehicle or walker.

(1 x 28mm vehicle) + (Lust) = 20 + 20 = 40 points


Hey Dave!

Beautiful Greedy Dragon! I love your attention to all the details of the scales, teeth, claws etc. The dragons pose is really dynamic and I think your colour choices have really helped emphasized a dragon in motion.

Well done!

40 points to your scoreboard



  1. Fantastic dragon. I really like the worn look of the wings.

  2. Very cool wings and scales!

  3. Very nice dragon, Dave! I really like how the wings look! Nice idea to have the wings in different colour than body, too.

  4. Great dragon, brilliant job on the wings

  5. Very nice painting work and enjoyed reading about the fantasy game system as well - like the unusual diamond basing. Not sure I would like to come up against a bigger "14 square dragon" .....

  6. The multiple colors and blending are excellent. Scales and wings very impressive. Well done.

  7. Great work on the dragon, and great basing to fit the hex grid.

  8. Very nice looking dragon Dave, well done!

  9. Well Done 'Winging it' ! Good looking Dragon you painted up and some good inspiration for my next wing'd mini paint.

  10. An inspired colourchoice and well executed Dave!
