Wednesday, 19 March 2025

From RichardM - One last trip around the Mahdists with the big man himself (146 points)

Early this week when I saw how close I was to 3,000 points I delved back into the box and pulled out a number of other figures to get me over the magic number.  Nothing in the number other than it is a number and a quiet challenge I had set myself once I passed my 'official' target.

At the same time I thought I would take the opportunity to do a base for the big man himself - so here is my interpretation of the Mahdi.

While still 10mm Pendraken figures, this time the three mounted figures are from their Ottoman range.  The Mahdi and the camel kettle drummer (I have no idea if they used kettle drums :) ) looked fine straight from the bag.  But if you look close enough you may notice the Mahdi's personal flag holder has an Ottoman Bork on his head.  The two foot figures are from the Sudan range and have appeared in many of my Mahdist foot units.  

For the flags, I have tried to do an interpretation (because of size) of images in an article in The Mahdist Wars Source Book by The Virtual Armchair General.  The green flag on the mounted figure is described as the Mahdi's personal flag which was captured in 1899 at Um Diwaykarat where the Khalifa was killed.  The flag being held by the foot figure is based on one that is on display at the Khalifa's house in Omdurman and was captured in the Battle of Omdurman (again from the Source book).

Then the bulk of the points that will get me over 3,000 come from these two mounted units.  Both are further bases for unit types already seen in the challenge. 

I have finished off the Mahdist light cavalry with these 20 figures spread over four bases.

Then I have more Mahdist camels with five bases of 25 figures.  Previous camels were done in the white jibbah with their coloured patches and this time I used more earthy tones similar to those I used on the Hadendowah and Nile River Arabs.

The points work out at:

Mahdi command stand - 3 * 10mm mounted and 2 * foot  = 11 points
Light Cavalry - 20 * 10mm mounted = 60 points
Camels - 25 * 10mm mounted = 75 points

Total = 146 points

What a great challenge - I've loved it.  I'd like to end by reiterating my thanks and comments in the last post.  Thanks all.


Wow, fabulous work Richard. You've had a terrific Challenge.  I have to say that whenever I've looked at these figures of yours I'm often tricked into thinking that they are a larger scale. The Mahdi looks suitably imposing and the two units of cavalry are very impressive (especially the camels). Magnificent brushwork sir. I look forward to your Challenge wrap-up to see all the work you've done.

- Curt


  1. Well done, Richard! What a great little vignette, and the cavalry look fantastic too. Now where did I leave those unpainted 6mm Sudan armies…

  2. This has been one of my favourite projects to follow this challenge; great stuff.
