Wednesday, 19 March 2025

From LeeH: Partizans ...or very angry peasants (80 Points)

My last entry for the Russians seeing off the French invasion are a couple of groups of very angry peasants. I’m calling them Partizans but essentially the Tsar ordered the whole state to rise up against the invaders. So alongside the regular army were up to 200,000 militia, the Opolochiene, some of which I painted a few weeks back. But civilians were also encouraged to harass, attack and frankly murder any French stragglers they could overcome. Talk about a hostile environment!

These models are from Perry Miniatures and I have based them as two units of Partizans in an irregular formation. They have a mobile deployment point that could potentially pop up anywhere. Not that I expect them to be any good against formed regulars, but for harassing stragglers or lone commanders, they will be ideal. As you can see I have also managed to paint another wagon, this time a simple two wheeled cart. It is stick in the rutted road, frozen in place and has been abandoned. 


So this is my last batch of figures for the challenge and I have to say I have had a great time painting my first 28mm army in probably 30+ years. Would I do it again? Probably not. I have enjoyed the challenge of painting this scale and breaking into Napoleonics for the first time. And I have really enjoyed collaborating with Ray on this project. But I have spent more money on this army than the last half dozen 6/15mm armies combined. And now I have to find a way to store them because they are taking up the space of four smaller-scale armies. I will find space, and I will play with these but I don’t think I will be dipping into 28mm again, except for the occasional lone figure…and more cavalry for this army at some point. Famous last words I’m sure, I’m convinced Ray has another project up his sleeve to tempt me with!

Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks, Ray & I will bring both sides of this project together for a combined wrap-photoshoot and an ill-advised adding up of how much we have spent. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if our combined spending on this project exceeded £1000… and we haven’t even really started on the terrain yet. For comparison, my last three 6mm armies came to £96 combined. 

12x28mm foot = 60 Points
1x28mm Vehicle = 20 points
(Total = 80 Points)

I just wanted to end by thanking Curt for running this event once again. It has become a staple of my hobby year and I'm always blown away by the quality and quantity of miniatures challengers produce in just three short months. I also must say thank you to the minions/judges for their tireless efforts. Well done to everyone who has taken part...we are nearly at the end, then we can have a rest while we plan our painting projects for next years challenge!
Sylvain: I have been watching the progress of your amazing Napoleonic project over the Challenge. Don't even worry about the money, it's all well "invested". And look at the final result, a brilliant collection of miniatures that will bring hundred of hours of fun! Have a great in-between Challenges rest of the year! 


  1. I think I’d rather face Russian Line cavalry than those peasants. They look perfectly cold and threatening.

  2. Brilliant looking figures Lee! Well done ol chap!
