Monday 29 January 2018


Good Monday Morning to you all, Challengers, readers, friends and passers by to this wonderful blog and Challenge VIII !

I hope you all had great weekends, including some time with your paintbrushes.  And, whether you hail from the cold of the frozen North of our beloved Snowlord and Lady Sarah, or from the ferocious heat of the South with our many Challengers celebrating the wonders of Australia Day, I can only hope that your Vallejo and Coat d'Arms painted true and non-transparently, and required no extra layers of paint! 

And whether you're in the north, the south, the east or the west - or maybe just somewhere pleasantly in the middle - I know you will have a great time during the course of today watching the submissions roll in from the Monday Challengers.

And this 6th Monday of the Challenge (we, dearest friends, count them..... SIX), we have fantastic terrain, horrifying chaotic nightmares, resolute provincials, Viennese citizenry and possibly, just possibly, some other submissions which might be rather special indeed.

So whether you need to crank the air conditioning down to freezing ... or throw yet more beech logs onto the fire .... I hope you can all join me over the next few hours to enjoy the company of the wonderful Monday Challengers of Challenge VIII....


  1. Replies
    1. Yaaaaaaayyyyyy.... it's raining hard in London - thank goodness for at least some Challengers being in the sunshine!

  2. My workbench is in a sauna right now - I'm almost looking forward to returning to work just to enjoy the air conditioning!

    1. Its bloody stinking here in Sydney at the moment - the paint is routinely drying on the brush!

    2. Last year I had to use a wet palette. The weather is supposed to break on Wednesday.

    3. I'm a big fan of wet palettes and Acrylic Flow Improver. - works for me in the withering furnace of an English summer when the temperatures sometimes reach as high as 25 degrees celsius.

    4. 50km west of here was the hottest place on the planet last month. We've broken the weather, no doubt about it.

  3. Good morning from Spain señores challengers

  4. Have a great day of it Sidney! It's a tolerable -17C today here in Regina. Lovely weather for a bit of cross country skiing in the park and a bit of hot chocolate afterwards.

    With a bit of luck I hope to have something for you later today.

  5. Was but a gloomy overcast here in Basingstoke with a high of 10 it seems... but a decent evening to get some more paint thrown around ;)

    1. The Costa Del Basingstoke sounds positively balmy after the -17C of Regina.
      ; )
