Thursday 7 January 2021

From PeteF: Grayscale Necromancer (25 points)


"Looking at the cake is like looking at the future, until you've tasted it what do you really know? And then, of course, it's too late."

Painting in greyscale is hard! This is my attempt for the Chamber of Darkness - I'm calling him a necromancer as one one day I may do a SAGA Age of Magic undead warband. If you're of a certain vintage you may well recognize the model's likeness to a 1980s Arthurian wizard. Excalibur being one of my favourite films, I had to get this model when I did a Studio Miniatures order a while back.

"I have walked my way since the beginning of time. Sometimes I give, sometimes I take, it is mine to know which and when!"

I like the way the Painting Challenge challenges - this one taught me that I have a lot more to learn about light. And painting in greyscale. Hats off to people who make their greyscale figures look so good! I suspect I'll keep on working at this model - I especially want his headpiece to look more metallic.

One 28mm figure plus room bonus for 25 points.

"It is a lonely life, the way of the necromancer... oh, yes. Lacrimae Mundi — the tears of the world."


  1. I think he looks fantastic. Very sinister with the greyscale theme. I have to admit this is one chamber I'm rather intimidated by as well. Not sure I'll attempt it, but good to know it might be worth trying out.

  2. Well done! I shall have to give greyscale a go sometime...

  3. Very effective greyscale! But does that make him a griomancer?

  4. Great work on this greyscale Necromancer. He very menacing, with a Ming the Merciless vibe.

  5. Nice work on the greyscale, and a suitably impressive necromancer.

  6. Great looking greyscale necromancer!
    Best Iain

  7. He’s great, nice choice of subject and effective grayscale

  8. Yep, Pete's right, total Ming the Merciless thing going on here. Terrific fig!

  9. Great looking figure. Gotta agree, he does indeed look like Ming.

  10. Lovely greyscale, reminds me of a very early black and white horror movie 🎥
    Regards KenR

  11. Very well done, great sombre figure. Certainly does look like a doombringer!
