Sunday 6 February 2022

From Barks: Men from Mars (55 points)

Human progress has stagnated in the year 40 000. The Tech Priests of Mars build and maintain complex machines but don't really understand them. Engineering has become a religious cult, and machines will only operate if the sacred oils and lubricants are applied, and the switches and levers are thrown in the sequence laid out in the prayer books. The Martians hate the weakness of their fleshly bodies, and augment and replace body parts with machines.

These Rangers were fiddly to paint. I quite like their steampunkish aesthetic.

7x 28mm figures: 35 points

Location Bonus (Mars): 20 points

Skull-o-meter™: 7 (total 8)

Slowpainter's ABC: M is for Mechanicus


Beautiful brushwork, Barks. I have to say that I would have preferred if GW had gone with a more 'Blanchian', instectoid vision for the Cult of Mars, but I can see that may have had a somewhat limited market appeal. That all being said, these models are excellent, with their arcane armaments and mysterious augmetics. I also like the time you took on freehanding the white trim detail on their stormcoats - a little thing, but it really adds to the unit as a whole. Well done!

- Curt


  1. Great work on these guys Barks. Many of the newer Mechanicum figures look like Dr. Octopus cosplay rejects, but I just love the look of these Rangers - I can see how they would be fiddly to paint, but they look lovely.

    1. Finishing off with all the little lights is very satisfying.

  2. Your red is great and those piercing green eyes make me uncomfortable! Haha!

  3. Looking great Barks. Really like the beady green eyes and white piping

    1. I would have liked to do a cog-tooth pattern, but wouldn’t have been able to get it consistently regular. So a simple line it was.

  4. Nice models and you’ve done a grand job on them.

  5. Sacred oils and lubricants? Don’t quite know what to think of that, especially having seen the first post of today. But these are splendid weird figures and very expertedly painted too. Very well done!

    1. Snowlord and Padre have it all well in hand!

    2. Oh, how droll. Well done. :)

  6. Great models, as you say the steampunk element is brilliant and the guy with the long gun in the second picture is ace

    1. I don’t think I can quite call it a jezzail, but I am a fan of the model.

  7. Marvelous Martians! I have a bunch of these that I have yet to put a brush too as they do look fiddly. Yours look superb though Barks, so I'll use these as inspiration.

    1. I did let them mature three or four years.

  8. Great looking cyborg types!
    Best Iain

  9. Cracking stuff Barks! The mechanicus line is really one of the best modern GW mini lines and nice to see them painted up well!

    1. Thank you! I have got my hands on some second hand AdMech stuff, just to have a few options…

  10. I painted a squad of these some years ago, bit fiddly models, but still fun to paint. You have done them great justice with your brushwork!

    1. Thanks, Teemu! I was surprised to find how much I like their aesthetic.

  11. "The Martians hate the weakness of their fleshly bodies, and augment and replace body parts with machines."
    I wonder how many Challenge participants would echo this sentiment and take this approach to increase their painting output!
    Very fine work, especially on the reds. Lovely.
    Cheers, MikeP

    1. Thanks, Padre! Steady hand, magnified vision, no need to sleep... you make a compelling case!
