Monday 7 March 2022

From PeteF: Esenyshra - The Wailing Shadow (25 points)


My third post for this Monday is also the final one in Challenge XII that will be minioned by Monday's Marvellous Minion - Peter. Thank you for helping make the Challenge happen - it's always a lot of fun and helps to get the brushes twirling in their constant struggle against the Shelf of Shame. (didn't you mean shelves? - Ed).

This is a figure for my Kings of War Nightstalkers army - I got the foundation for this army painted in Challenge X. KoW is a constantly evolving game with small adjustments being made at least annually and more significant changes every few years - this helps keep the game fresh and balanced - and it means new models, units and formations come up which you may want to add to your army. Mantic, however, is not the Evil Empire. Changes in the game are not made to sell new more powerful beat stick models without which you won't be competitive!

Mantic doesn't have an official model for Eshenyshrya - I got this one as part of a bulk lot on EBay so I'm not sure of the manufacturer.   She fit the bill of someone who was "transformed into a creature of the void: a banshee." 

Painting fantasy figures is certainly teaching me some new techniques and I feel like I'm getting a little better at highlighting robes and things - it's a departure from my standard French Napoleonics (apologies to anyone who wanted to see Minifigs this year - I have plenty in the queue!). This also completes 4 inner ring planets so I'd better contact the Snow Lord for the final challenge.

1x28mm figure = 5 points + a 20 bonus for this Mysterious Neighbor on Mars = 25 points

Squirrel +0 (Total 7)

Skulz +2 (!) (Total 3) - there is a tiny skull on her belt and another embedded in top of the scythe

Great work on this figure, although not specific to the KoW system, she looks like she'll fit the bill nicely.  I really like the effects on that purple robe and those are some serious washboard abs on display,

It's been a pleasure to admin to your varied work this year Pete.  Speaking of which there is one element of past Challenges that you have not brought out this year.  As you have now completed your trip through all three rings, it is time for me to set out a Final Challenge for AHPC XII.

Your challenge is a unit of Minifig Napoleonics, any army, any regiment.


  1. Great work on this banshee, Pete. Like you, I've been enjoying the fantasy side of things this year. As you say, the 'non-rules' for colours is sort of refreshing. Good luck on your dash to the center!

  2. This is wonderful figure. You’ve done a great job in giving it movement.

  3. Great mini, Pete! I hope you find the Challenge presented by Peter refreshing. :)

  4. Great looking fantasy figures!
    Best Iain

  5. Nice work on tripling your skull-count!
