Monday 7 March 2022

From PeteF: None Shall Pass (25 points)

My third Monty Python's Holy Grail miniature of Challenge XII is the Black Knight before he picks up a a scratch and a flesh wound. 

I don't have any games in mind for my Monty Python figures yet - the Black Knight would be good as some kind of hero or champion - maybe in SAGA or he could fit in a Lion Rampant army.

I'm in a mad rush to get to the center of the Challenge XII Quadrant before our rapidly approaching deadline as well as to meet my 1,000 point target - hence the shameless points grabbing with single mini entries! 

1x28mm foot figure = 5 points + 20 for Altair IV (Forbidden) = 25 points

Sadly, three minis isn't enough for a squirrel point.

So Squirrel = 7 and Skulz = 1

I think the black background works better - but I thought I'd try out white for a change - what do you think?

Lovely work on this iconic figure, I like the groundwork.  I think in general the black background d works best, but for the black figure the white makes the details stand out better.  I agree that this figure could be useful in SAGA, Lion/Dragon Rampant or any number of skirmish games where one gets to go all Medieval on one's opponents. 


  1. you're a looney! Arthur and myself are actually watching the movie right now and we love your version of the Black Knight!

  2. Your Monty Python posts are terrific!

  3. Black background is good, but with black minis, it might be useful to have both of the backgrounds, like you have done here. Good work with this Black Knight, while he was still winning.

  4. Great looking Black Knight with whatever background!
    Best Iain

  5. I think the black background came out better.
