Tuesday 20 December 2022

An Ode to the Challenge

 ‘Twas the night before Challenge, when all through the lands

The painters were sleeping, no brush in their hands

Their figures were ready, their paints had been stocked

As the seconds ticked past on the big countdown clock

Zero-zero zero-zero*, the Show Lord decreed

Was the time they would start, oh yes sir, indeed

His minions were ready, to help with the posts

Of wildly fantastic miniature painted hosts

The points would be counted, recorded post haste

Their own models to paint, they had no time to waste

Three months they’d be painting, from dusks until dawns

For those in the cold north, no need to mow lawns

And then at the end, their totals they’d see

Some disappointed, some with great glee

With entries to vote on, some would win awards

And all would give thanks to the insane Show Lord

* 00:00 Central Standard Time

(with apologies to the original poem and author)

Good luck everyone!


  1. Taking bets on who will be first to post something finished?

    1. I'll bet on it being Curt - it's a safe bet as he holds all the posts so that his is the first and to welcome everyone to the Challenge!

  2. Not bad Tamsin. Not bad at All

  3. Merry Christmas everyone. May your paints always run clean and your brushes stay fine.

    Nice one Tamsin

  4. Replies
    1. Shhh! Shhh! If they hear you've awarded me douze points, they might nab me to write the UK's next Eurovision entry! ;)

  5. That made me chuckle. Nice one Tamsin

  6. Very clever and well done Tamsin

  7. Stuff of legends already Tamsin
