Sunday 11 December 2022

BruceR: Hobby space and Challenge XIII excitement

Here in the Great White North, slightly south of the Snow Lord is this humble hobby space.  This is my 3rd challenge and I've enjoyed every minute/miniature through the event.  My first was during COVID and I'm hooked.  I am still Blog challenged, I know I should, but I've not taken the time as I usually just sit at the paint table rather than record the events to the hobby.  I talk about retirement as I can and maybe the Blog will blossom when I finally pull the plug.

I'm ready for the Challenge as we had 18" of snow in mid-November and we expect another 12-18 this coming week. Going to be a long winter. 

The War Department (Rox) and I are empty nesters with Loki the wonder dog and three grand dogs who visit on occasion with our ranch managing son.  Our daughter lives in our city and we spend time with her when she allows.  

I've gamed since high school with the rural nature of ND, USA being a slight impediment to my expanding horizons.  SPI or Avalon Hill started this, with Chain Mail sending me into miniatures with plastic 15mm knights ordered from the back of a comic book.  A deep dive into D&D and AD&D during college continued the momentum.  A tour in the military exposed me to many more miniature gamers and the concept of club in Colorado Springs, while stationed at Ft. Carson, CO, with the 4ID.  I've never looked back.  

I'm lucky as our home is large, when purchased had an unfinished utility room space.  The furnace and water heater take up 3x6' in a 15 x 24' space.  Unfinished so the War Department simply doesn't care I've taken over as the hobby dungeon (other than my struggle to keep storage from entering the space).  I talk about finishing the room but moving all my hobby stuff makes me always pause.  I do have 5-6 friends and we game in the dungeon regularly.   

As many of you, I'm a gadfly wondering from project to project and system to system.  I tend to have a very cluttered workspace and my office at work is also covered in papers, so it is who I am.  Here is my tour of the space.  

Paint station:

Tech Station to the left for viewing:

Airbrush station to the right:

One Hobby Wall:

Game table:

Loki the CSM of the game room begging for chase the bumper down the hill time.  (Quick trips during the cold season)

My planned projects:
    1) 28mm pirates for a Adepticon participation game to include a 28mm sloop.
    2) 15mm Napoleonic
    3) 2 1/1200 ships left to complete my fleet
    4) 28mm Italian winter WW2 troops
    5) 28mm AWI
    6) The Silver Bayonet Austrian, Prussian, Russian
    5) 15mm Zulu wars
    6) Space Hulk terminators and bugs
    7) Other odds and sods.  Ha

I enjoy the painting, the viewing, the commenting and the fellowship the challenge provides.  The War Department (who has a MS in social work) tells me it is a support group and I guess it is.  We support each other's hobbies in a very positive way, and all should be grateful for the opportunity.  So, even before we start a be thanks to the Snow Lord and Lady Sarah, along with the minions for your efforts.  


Cheers, Bruce 


  1. Great hobby space and a fine canine companion.

  2. It's nice to have so much space, isn't it? Looks awesome! I like your planned projects list, the pirates should be interesting. Have lots of fun in the Challenge, Bruce!

  3. What a lovely CSM! Good luck in your 3rd outing with us! :)

  4. I really enjoyed reading and looking through your post, Bruce. I like your 'dungeon' and Loki looks like he's pretty much in charge of the place (as it should be). I'm also very pleased (and heartened) with 'The War Department's' assessment of the Challenge. Very insightful.

  5. WPW! That's a lot of space indeed... and lots of projects too!

  6. I am so jealous of all you new worlders with your big spaces filled with gaming tables. Great set up!

  7. Looks like you have a lot of space for hobbying and gaming. I don't envy you that snow though.

  8. That's a great hobby space you have there Bruce.

  9. Great looking space Bruce, all the best in the challenge


  10. Wonderful looking hobby dungeon, you Americans have such a lot of space once the kids have been kicked out.

  11. I hope to see your Space Hulk!
