Sunday 11 December 2022

Challenge XIII (Winter 2022-23) - RobH Intro

Good day all.  My name is Rob and  I've been a miniature gamer for slightly over 5 decades. Some may thing I have a problem. Some have asked why I don't suffer from the effects of lead poisoning. My main problem is the unpainted mound of figures. In my case neatly categorized and stored away in tin boxes. 

The wall of shame to the right of my work table

I have no plans. I will be attracted to whatever bright and shiny object should catch my eye.  I am certain there are unpainted minis in any box I choose to open. With temperatures in Montreal now regularly below zero, I will not be doing anymore prep until the spring thaw. Fortunately we are still a snow free zone.

Currently on the table, unfinished Victrix War Elephants,
Bofers AA Gun and crew by Bad Squiddo Games and,
some Roman High Command by Black Tree Design

Other distractions located to the left of my work table.

Behind me, the office and on the other side of the half wall, my bedroom. For me January is the start of my busy season with tax prep and then the Canadian income tax season. It is when I have the least time to commit to any gaming activity including the painting challenge and I will spend more time in front of the office computer than anything else for almost the next five months.

In the upper left there are 4 red tool boxes. In total I have 20,
each containing a fully painted army

And of course, none could take place without the constant supervision of her Imperial Majesty Josephine, Empress of Her World.



  1. Looks well organized Rob. Do you have feline company currently?

    1. Hi Peter, yes we do. Her name is Josephine, a Turkish Angora and she likes to spend time on top of the bookshelf supervising. I'll add a photo to my intro

  2. Nice workspace! It's always fun to see what has grabbed your attention every week; all those squirrels! :)

    1. I thought about the squirrel challenge, and might have considered it if it was 25 weeks long. I am dreaming of completing a small unit of figures each week of the event.

  3. That's a great space, Rob, and I enjoyed perusing some of your shelved boardgames (some great titles there). Josephine looks very languid and content with her elevated place in the world. :) Looking forward to seeing what tin box you delve into this winter.

    1. Josephine was there doing her job. Keeping both a tribal rebellion and an alien infestation contained.

  4. Looking good, Rob, I’m excited to see what comes out of those boxes!

  5. Nice setup, although sharing hobby and business activities it isn't the best idea (for the business I mean). Happy Challenge

  6. Your hobby space looks well organized. Keeping your to-do pile next to the workspace must make it easy to get stuff done when the mood takes you.

  7. Nice one Rob, looks very neat and tidy.

  8. Great stuff Rob, good to see someone is organised!


  9. Thanks to everyone who commented on the order that my work space seems to exudes, but remember it won't survive first contact in that shape.

  10. Nicely organised space, and what a fine feline you have keeping you company.
