Sunday 22 January 2023

From StuartL - Not In Living Colour - Black & White (25 Points)

Hello all,

After my bout with a mystery illness last week, it is back to business as usual for me, which of course means another stop on my tour of the AHPC Studios, GmbH. Last week I paid for my limo ride to the Black and White stage of the studio, so here is my entry.

The target for this stage was to paint a model in grey-scale, which I have tried before and not felt particularly pleased about. So rather than try to figure out how to convert all of the various colours I would be using into various shades of grey, I instead opted for something different. I have tried to do something approximating OSL in grey-scale. portraying the model with a light source slightly off to one side of the front of the figure. I painted the figure using only Vallejo model colour black and Vallejo model colour white. All of the greys are a mix of the two paints.

The model is from GW's old Mordheim range and is a mercenary called Aenur, Sword of Twilight. I've had this figure for ages now and done nothing with it, so when I needed a model for this part of the studio, I had no hesitation in prepping it and using it here. It is a simple sculpt, and a better painter than I could probably use that massive cloak for some beautiful free hand or something. 

Sadly my attempt at OSL doesn't really work if you look at the model from different angles. Still, I am happy enough with the results, and it gets me one step further in the studio. 

For scoring:
1x28mm mini @5 points = 5 Points
1x Studio @20 points = 20 Points
Total = 25 Points

That's all from me for this post, but I should have some more for you all later today.

Very cool mini, you've done a fine job on him 


  1. I always liked that Aenur figure. Greyscale is a great technique for a sneaky elf.

  2. Nicely done, Stuart! I remember painting that figure many, many Challenges ago! :)

  3. This is one of my favourite old school models. I believe it was a magazine freebie and so I think I bought three of them at the time. Lovely job.

  4. Really well executed Stuart! Great choice of mini too, it's a classic and really well suited to the style of painting.

  5. Well done! Impressed to read that you did all the grey shades yourself, and I like the osl effect.

  6. Nice work on the greyscale, very effective

  7. Excellent effect, Stuart. Gosh, one of those would make a great Felix Jaeger. Hmm...

  8. That's good work on the cloak!

  9. Nicely painted! I guess those old Mordheim minis are worth of gold in ebay, but your greyscale OSL looks good - if only form one angle. Just put him somewhere where you can see him only from the correct angle.

  10. Great looking greyscale figure!
    Best Iain

  11. Mighty fine effort in OSL,Stuart! The only reason I don't paint that effect much is it does seem wrong on some angles. Best method is to take photos of the prepped model with a light source(pen light) hitting were the light sorce is coming from. Have the photos nearby while you work( lap top/ tablet) and follow the guide from the photos. The greyscale turned out very good!
