Sunday 22 January 2023

From : RichardH . Getting off the Starting Blocks (165 points)


It's taken me a while to get off the blocks on this comp, not for painting issues, but also for painting issues. I had so much going on that I simply didn't have time to stop and write entries. Now things have settled into a less manic (it's still just as manic) nature I can get in with everyone and make regular posts.

This first post has everything I managed to complete from the start date up until the end of the year (technically it was 00:07 when I brushed the last black rim, but I am claiming it all for that year!). As such it is a fairly eclectic mix of things from various games and styles.

First up are the miniatures from the board game Direwild, I've had this game over a year now and somehow kept avoiding getting them painted up, which considering the numbers makes little sense (It is hardly on the scale of a CMON game). But over the holiday period we wanted to get a lot of gaming done and so this seemed an ideal easy way to start both this challenge and shift some grey.

Apologies on the distortion of these, I managed to forget to scale them maintaining aspects and so we end up with lots of folks living in the belt.

The points for these I worked out as :
Direwild minis = 15 x 28mm @ 5pt = 75

Next up from another board game are the miniatures from Endangered Orphans, this was a backed Kickstarter I had been waiting on for far too long due to the covid delays and so was really keen to get playing. The big Tim Burton vibes on all the artwork also meant these plastic folks were definitely not sitting around and waiting.

The points for these I came to is:
Orphans minis = 3 x 28mm @ 5pt = 15
Orphans Bigs = 2 x 40mm @ 7pt = 14
Total = 29pt

Lastly I had finally managed to find some folks to play Stargrave with (after having owned all the books for well over a year and had roughed out several different ideas for crews). My current crew are still getting some finishing touches, but I wanted to bring something iconic to the first game as the random beasties. When someone says sci-fi and beasties there really is only one thing that any respectable nerd should think of (it is not a mogwai). 

So I fired up the printer and churned out a full batch of nightmares to torment our crews (they performed superbly while we did less so).

The points for these are :
Alien small minis (facehuggers and chestbursters while on 25mm bases are tiny so it felt wrong to try and claim them as anything larger than this) = 6 x 10mm @ 1pt = 6
Alien minis = 5 x 28mm @ 5pt = 25
Alien queen = 1 x 54mm @ 10pt = 10
Total = 41pt

One of the face huggers has been used to instead qualify for the 80s bonus location, I considered doing another for the sci-fi but have others in mind later for this.

This should put my total as:
Painted models = 145
Bonus = 20
Total = 165

THe Direworld figures are marvellous, if a little in cinemscope. I always love a good alien


  1. Well done beating the cut Richard. I particularly like the aliens.

  2. Well done Richard, a shame about the photos though.

  3. Great to see that you made the cut and great work on this stuff.

  4. A cool mix of models. The endangered orphans figures look great.

  5. Great work Richard! Excellent punchy colours for those Orphan pieces, and those Aliens are fabulous.

  6. Nice that you made the cut, Richard! The photos are bit artistic, but the colours and paintjob still come through - good job!

  7. Great mix of figures and the aliens are ace!
    Best Iain

  8. Nice work, Richard! You survived the cull and painted some brilliant aliens too! Those orphan figures are really good too!

  9. Great work Richard, love the Aliens set the most

