Tuesday 14 February 2023

From BenitoV: Guards Units for a Saga Warband (40 points)

Failed my Tuesday rendez-vous at the Painting Challenge last week due to a spike in my workload, but I'm back on the fray again. This week I bring 8 heavily armoured Dark Age warriors equivalent to two  Guards units of 4-men of a standard Saga Warband order of battle.


As you may see the models today are multi-army (or multi warband), generic enough to fill the ranks of any warband that extends between the Late Roman Empire years to  the end of the first millenium. Therefore they'll suit anything termed "Anglo" and/or "Saxon", even Vikings, Danish, Bretons... you choose.



With these units, I have already completed a typical 4-5 points infantry-based Saga warband made of Levies (usually archers), Warriors (lightly armored), now the Guards, led by the Warband Lord, but all on foot.

As with the rest of the painted Warband, the models are from the Gripping Beast's plastic range in 28mm, in this case the Saxon Thegns box featuring 44 multipose models with endless combinations of weapons (axes, swords, javelins) and heads. For the shields I used  Little Big Men Studios transfers.


With this submission I add 40 points ( 8 x 28mm models @5 points each) to my Challenge scoring. Next in line I'd like to explore some of the Blue Pass Studios, but this will mean distracting for a time of the Saga projects. 

If I have the time, I'll combine these extra submissions with some Dark Age cavalry units, needed to build many of the warbands on the Invasions period (Goths, Franks, Visigoths, etc).

It's definitely a good idea to do the basic troops as generic as possible so that they can be used for multiple warbands. These guards look great, Benito!



  1. Those are lovely Benito. A good balance of grit and colour, and generic enough to serve many Warlords

    1. I went the generic multiuses path but not all my club friends like that.

  2. Great job. Like how they can be used for lots of in fill . Good idea

    1. I thought a good way to speeding up having a warband to play in the club with different Saga books

  3. Love seeing your Dark age stuff Benito its an inspiration

  4. Wonderful Dark Age types, Benito. The shields and your lovely brushwork really tie them together.

  5. These look great, Benito. Just enough uniformity, and still very individual and “generic”. And very fine painting too!

  6. Good work, Benito, I like the multi-use troops.
