Saturday 18 February 2023

From Steve K. Ravenguard Reinforcements. 80 Points

 Converting and sculpting stuff takes ages. It is also hard. These are things ive found out over the last few weeks. 

So ive been busy adding to my Ravenguard collection for the Horus Heresy, as some may know, the models from forge world are insanely expensive, hence the need to buy some greenstuff and try my hand at making my own.

First up were 5 Mor Deythan. These are a specialist infiltration and sniper unit unique to the Ravenguard.  I have made my own weapons for these guys out of 3 seperate kits, and made the cloaks from greenstuff.

Once painted up I think ive just about got away with it!

I needed another character for my force, so created a |Legion Vigilator (master Sniper). Again, kitbashed, converted and a cloak made from greenstuff.

Again, once painted, I think he came out ok. Im not 100% happy with his camo cloak but... well it'll do.

Next up some vehicles.

The Rhino APC. always a bit of a classic design, I had to include at least one in my force. 
in the picture below im using therapy putty as a mask for applying the white through an airbrush. It actually worked too!

I had great fun painting this one up, dont get me wrong, it took bloody ages but i enjoyed it non the less. ive learned lots about weathering recently, and although not perfect, its great trying new things like this.

The Sicaran
A beast of a tank. loved painting and weathering this one too. I even went so far as to magnetise the hatches and weapon sponsons, so I can change the weapon loadout.

Oh, and ive reached 2000 points for my HH force too!

So in total ive done:
6x 32mm figs
2x large vehicles

 Anyway, thats me for another update. I hope you are all well, now I must paint these Picts.....


Great looking Ravenguard, and amazing conversions. Congratulations on hitting the 2000 point mark with your army, that's enough to game with and gives you a solid core to build on should you want to add more later. 

I'm a sucker for the Heresy, and so I'm going to award some bonus points for the greenstuff work you did.


  1. Nice greenstuff work there Steve and good-looking vehicles too!

  2. "Converting and sculpting stuff takes ages. It is also hard" - I heartily concur, but the proof is in the pudding with this force Steve, it looks really awesome. Wish you were closer so I could pit my World Eaters against you!

    PS every year I promise to do all my building and converting before the Challenge starts, and yet here I am once again... :-)

  3. Awesome looking conversions on your space marines , great painting and nice weathering on your armour, I'm still scratvh building, oh dear...!
    Best Iain

  4. Great work on the conversions and the painting

  5. They look way better than the forgeworld stuff, Steve! I like the camouflage capes and the weathering on the vicks. This is a stunning raven guard force!

  6. Really love the camo cloaks and the converting is excellent.

  7. admirable converting Steve and great weathering

  8. The conversion work is a great success, I’d say. I love those tanks, great colour scheme!

  9. These are excellent. Hard work,but worth the end result. Well done.

  10. As a Raven Guard fan, and 30k fan, wow! Great work. Those conversions are really excellent.

    I'm always curious of what recipes people use for their black/grey on their Raven Guard...would you be able to share yours?

  11. These look magnificent. I love the capes and the barrel additions. Wonderful!
