Tuesday 14 March 2023

From Kerry T - Fight Club - 18th century style - but you all know I can't talk about it don't you (105 points & 1 Squirrel)

 Morning, afternoon & evening all

One of the more popular or perhaps controversial films of the past 25 years was "Fight Club"starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter. I was surprised to find it was filmed as long ago as 1999.

Now we all know that the first rule of Fight Club is that you do not talk about Fight Club. That is of course why you lot don't know that fight Club was around in the 18th Century.....

Ullo, ullo, wot's going on 'ere then?

Of course the second rule of Fight Club is that you don't talk about Fight Club, so I'll have to keep quiet but some pictures might just do the talking

Looks like everyone's here

All the bigwigs are here

Along with the Doxies, mind that HBC has let herself go a bit

Here's the town's Burgher- looks like he's ate a few of them too, and some pies as well

Welcome to Fight Club

Quick get the Doc, there's a man down.....

Alas poor Yorick I knew him well...

Worst case of lead poisoning I've ever seen miss, what say you Bert?

Seconds in attendance

Seconds out...

This is a Magnum 44 Smoothbore Flintlock Pistol, the most powerful handgun in the world...

You've got to ask yourself one question. Do I feel lucky? Well do ya punk?


Would you let them spit on Napoleon Bonaparte?'....
Bonaparte? I fail to see what Bonaparte has to do with this..
You've insulted me....
I have strained my patience in order not to insult you..
I demand an apology...


More modern version.... 
Dilbert realised he was in trouble and wished he'd paid more attention in duelling class when in a quick and dirty move, his opponent cunningly super-glued his hand to his forehead

That's all folks.....

I got these figures around 10 years ago as a freebie when I joined the Old Glory Army Membership offer. They aren't the greatest of figures but are full of character and were fun to paint for a change. They are from the Duelist set and there are 18 of them though the town Burgher is missing from the group shot as I'd left him out. The sharp eyed of you will spot Molly Miggins who appeared in my last post and stuck out a leg to attract Lady Sarah's Limousine driver so I could get a lift so I've left her out of my points total

So in summary
17 figures @5 points = 85 points
Lady Sarah's Limousine (courtesy of the other 2 ladies) @ 20 points for a total of 105
1 Squirrel
I can't shoehorn this into a studio

Now to date I have 5 Green Studio and 4 Blue studio visits, does that mean I can try and sit in the directors' chair or have I misread the rules? Its a bit late though I suppose

I hope to manage one more entry  before the close of the Challenge.  Many thanks to you all for your positive vibes but particularly to Tamsin for her patience as my Tuesday Minion.

"Soap, sir? Soap, sir? Forsooth, sir, what is this soap you prate on about us making?"

A great set of figures, Kerry. It's been a pleasure having you as one of my Tuesday Terrors. Yes, you can apply for the Director's Chair - just email Curt to agree something you can produce before the end.



  1. Great story Kerry and very well posed in your town -- plus neat painting of course!

    1. Thanks Simon, makes for a different setting I think

  2. Nice work, Kerry! They are splendid! I quite like the entire lot and they are something I may look into for silver bayonet. Great side story....do they also make soap? ;)

  3. Oh, how wonderful! All of these figures are so characterful and brilliantly painted. I need to get those sword armed duellists. Wow. Terrific work Kerry.

    1. Cheers Curt, they are probably the roughest of the figure castings though, with the braid being poor

  4. Great work loverly brush work

  5. Just lovely Kerry. The whole scene, just wow. As long as no one shoots at their imaginary friend who's standing in front of a truck filled with explosives it's all good.

  6. love a nice bit of civilian action, great work

    1. Cheers, you're right, Civilians in games definitely add things I think

  7. Wow. I hate when somebody submits figures I might need. Well done and the scenes are great. Excellent.

  8. Thanks Bruce, they do quite a wide range of interesting figures

  9. Very elegant models, excellent paint work

  10. Excellent looking figures, I often think old glory seem a bit rough until I've painted them up!
    Best Iain

  11. A brilliant post, Kerry, the figures are very well chosen, expertly painted, and a great scene and story to boot. Absolutely one of my favourite posts of this challenge, well done!

  12. Great post - thanks for taking the time to pose the figures for all the photos ....
    Cheers JezT

  13. Fabulous work and great story
