Saturday 11 March 2023

The Saturday Sayonara

Well, here we are folks, the last weekly Saturday post before we hit the free-fire period next week.

Marlon Brando in the movie Sayonara

    It has been an honour and a privilege minioning the diligent and hard-working Saturday crew. But before I hand in my minion badge, I have one last set of posts to work through.

I'd like to bid 'adios' to MartijnN who has painted up some lovely Spaniards this week.

With regret I have to say 'au revoir' to RayR and his tiny little project.

It is 'do svidaniya' for Millsy and his entry of Bolsheviks.

GregB and his two entries this week both get a 'vale' in high gothic/latin.

It looks like ChrisW should have something ready later today, so I'll include a quick 'toodle-pip' here just in case.


  1. Cheers Stuart, thanks for putting up with us! We'll me anyway.

  2. Thanks, Stuart, you have done a sterling job!

  3. Many thanks for taking the time to curate the posts

  4. Have a good one, Stuart! :)

  5. Thank you so much for your sterling service, Stuart! I hope your dash to the finish line is fun and productive.

  6. Many thanks for your efforts Stuart!
