Tuesday 9 January 2024

From SimonM: Robomen Guards by "Black Tree Design" [Overdue and Returns] (40 points)

These four 28mm metal Robomen Guards are manufactured by "Black Tree Design" and can be purchased as Code DW129 Roboman Guard from their "Doctor Who" miniatures range. "Humans converted by the Daleks into wholly obedient slaves", these mindless minions first appeared in Terry Nation's November 1964 BBC Television story "The Dalek Invasion of Earth".

The quartet were initially primed using a mixture of "Vallejo" Surface Primer Black and "Warlord Games" Pitch Black, before being heavily dry-brushed with “Vallejo” Heavy Charcoal and soaked in "Citadel" Nuln Oil. I then worked on their trousers, using a base layer of either "Vallejo" Heavy Sienna, Heavy Brown or Sombre Grey. The pants were subsequently shaded using some "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade or Nuln Oil as appropriate, and roughly highlighted using a careful dry-brush of their original base layer colour.

Their "large, helmet-like headsets" and firearms were simply 'picked out' with "Vallejo" Gunmetal and "Citadel" Nuln Oil. Whilst their shirts received a lick of White Star by Duncan Rhodes' "Two Thin Coats" and a splodge of "Citadel" Agrax Earthshade to dirty them up. I also decided to try and break up the monotony of the group by selecting one figure and painting his jacket "Vallejo" Sombre Grey. This coat was later washed with "Citadel" Nuln Oil and dry-brushed with (more) "Vallejo Sombre Grey.

These Robomen Guards have rather embarrassingly been loitering unloved inside a drawer for many a year. Indeed, I believe these particular miniatures might well actually pre-date "Black Tree Design" acquiring the range's licence, and hark back as far as 1996-1997, when I first started playing "Doctor Who: Invasion Earth" by "Harlequin Miniatures". Designed by Daniel Faulconbridge, this tabletop game attempted to recreate various scenarios from the aforementioned First Doctor's broadcast adventure "The Dalek Invasion of Earth", and resultantly required me to paint several of Davros' Mark III Travel Machines.

To be honest I still recall the feeling of dread this gave me having to first carefully 'pick out' all the Dalek shell's "hemispherical protrusions" black and then blob them with a light blue colour - so as to match their colour scheme during both William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton's tenure as Doctor Who. However, in an effort to circumnavigate this issue, I promptly bought these Robomen instead to use as the robotic Masters of Earth's minions and reduce the number of actual Daleks I needed. Sadly though, it would appear I never managed to pigment these figures, so felt it was high time to make amends and simultaneously earn me some much-needed bonus points at the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge's Overdue and Returns Library desk.

Four x 28mm scale foot figure = 20 Points

Overdue and Returns Books Bonus = 20 Points

Total = 40 Points

Another great submission, Simon! Your black is great again, and the eyes came out very well too. And who doesn't love Dr. Who? As vintage 20th century figures, they surely fit the Overdue and Returns criteria, so 40 points for you.



  1. Those are vintage figures of vintage Dr Who baddies. Great to see them getting paint. Well done sir.

    1. Thanks Peter. I've a few more to finish, which I'll probably add to this week's queue if I can get a couple of other models completed first.

  2. Very nice minis and great brushjob on those, too. Nice eyes, like Martijn said.

    1. Cheers Teemu. I made the black line around the eyes a bit bigger than normal, to give them a haunted look - if that makes sense.

  3. These are great. Due to the current policy of the Beeb allowing us to watch most of the Old episodes I watched this one recently! Great fun.

    1. Cheers Peter. I thought for their time they were really well designed and quite terrifying too. The big Movie version ones don't really capture that horror imho.

  4. Excellent results - I presume from your posts that you now purchase Nuln oil in industrial quantities or in large Nuln oil barrels!

    1. Thanks Valleyboy. I tend to set aside any predominantly black figures for the AHPC, as I can get them done reasonably quickly and still paint the odd impulse figure.

  5. Great work Simon, love the background (as usual). I think our executives here at work have purchased some of those helmet rigs. You know, for those 'challenging' employees...

    1. Cheers Curt. I loved the headsets clunkiness - probably why the original Mondas Cybermen are my favourite too. :-)

  6. Cool looking minis, I'm rewatching the Dr Who series from the beginning and these lads have just been on !

    1. Cheers Yarkshire Gamer. What a cracking idea :-)

  7. Great job on these they look bad ass
