Tuesday 16 January 2024

From ThomasG: Zoggrok Anvilsmasha [Fantasy](25 points)

Time to ring in the bells on my second leader to this fledgling army for the fantasy game, Age of Sigmar, this one being a hero character, usually going by the name of Zoggrok Anvilsmasha. He uses the collective power of the Orruks around him to imbue magic strength to the weapons of his "ardboyz".

Again, I chose to use the Uruk Hai as influence for both the skin and main armour panels, however as this chap is a magical blacksmith, I once more dipped in to the world of Asterix the Gaul for inspiration.

In Asterix, his village has a blacksmith by the name of Fulliautomatix. He has bright red trousers and a brown leather apron, so naturally they helped bring a bit of colour to this dark palette. 

I found myself really pushing my use of textures on the apron to give the impression of worn leather, and although I feel I could do more, at this point in the learning process I feel proud of what I achieved. This model is particularly large and really sets an imposing presence on the tabletop, soon to be joined by many more. 

A short but sweet week from me this time, as I have spent most of my week preparing and attending my final assessment to become a qualified archery coach, which I'm very proud to say I passed with flying colours! Next week I will have a special squiggly beast and hopefully some green skinned orks from the far future for you all. 

1x28mm = 5pts (+5)
Fantasy Library Entry = 20pts
Total = 25pts 30

Thank you for reading and please hit me up with any comments or critiques on this fine fellow; life is one great big opportunity to learn, and I'm all ears. 


Tom, this figure is excellent! I do have a very weak spot for Asterix, so the reference to Fulliautomatix sits very well with me indeed, but even aside from that nod, you have done an absolutely splendid job on him. That apron looks utterly fantastic and your pride is more than justified.

Now you say this a large figure, although you do not say how large, but I somehow feel that 5 points for this magnificent piece would be unnecessarily thrifty. I will score it at 10 points; either consider it equivalent to a 28mm cavalry figure or as 5 well-deserved bonus points. 30 points total.

To make us even happier, next time a  map would be awesome!


  1. Excellent paintjob, Tom, just like last week. I like the colours and inspirations you have used. In Finnish the village smith is called Caravellix. Why his name refers to Caravelle is a mystery to me...

    1. I find all of the translations fascinating as they either make loads of sense, or are completely lost to all. Thank you for the kind words as well.

  2. Awesome brushwork Tom, wow. Well done.

  3. That is great painting - the armour and apron are especially well done.

  4. Fabulous brushwork Tom! I really like how you did the metallics and aged leather.

    1. That's really appreciated Curt, it's a fun scheme to paint.

  5. real skill on this chap, he looks nasty wouldn't want to get in his way

    1. I know right! It was such fun to paint up. Thank you.

  6. I think your transitions look great. The pants are a nice counter to all the dark metallics.

  7. Very well done Tom. Quite a beast. The colors are great.
