Wednesday 7 February 2024

From GrahameH. Cold War US Battlegroup (232 points)

Its not been a great start to the challenge this year, as I had to work through Christmas and things have only just slowed down. 

Nevertheless, I have managed to do some painting. This year I decided not to go so mad as I did last year, as I knew work was going to be an issue and I am half way through sorting out and rebasing my Italian Wars armies and finishing off my Napoleonic Poles. However, I thought I would try and complete something different this year and decided to finish off some of my Cold War Battlegroups (BGs). 

I use Rapid Fires "Able Archer" rules, which contain some small Battlegroups that are ideal if you only have a 6' X 4' table. After all these years of painting large armies I have decided I should really only paint what will fit on the table (yeah right). I had already painted most of the infantry for these BGs so it was just a matter of painting the vehicles. So if I was disciplined and didn't go off at a tangent it shouldn't take me too long 😟😟.

I chose the date of 1984 for my BGs, that way I could avoid the NATO camouflage. Totally forgot about the US MEDRC camouflage. As NATO was considering changing their camouflage scheme at this time newer US vehicles were left green, hence the green M1s and Bradleys. The models are either Battlefront or Army Bits. 

US Battlegroup 

This BG consists of 

7 X M1s. There are three more of these than the BG requires as the rules allow you to add a Tank Coy and remove a infantry coy to make the BG an armoured BG. 

4 X M113 for the infantry coys. The infantry figures were painted a while ago. These represent HQ Coy and 3 infantry coys.

4 X M113ish  in the support role. L to R 2 X M901 with TOW, M113 ACAV and a M106 with 120mm mortar. 

The HQ M577

The second half of the US BG. 

5 X Bradleys. These take the place of the M113s for a later 1984 BG.

The Artillery Battery

2 X M109 and a M981 FIST-V Forward Observer

AA Battery - 2 X Vulcans

M60 Bridging Unit

Armoured Recovery Vehicle 


So that is it for this BG. 29 X 15mm vehicles = 232pts


I have loved the "Cold War Gone Hot" setting for many years, but seeing these is a little chilling these days...nonetheless, it is well painted. I recognize many of the Battlefront models from own long-dormant "Team Yankee" painting, but I am curious about the recovery vehicle and the bridgelayer...those could be so cool and make for some very interesting scenarios. Who makes those models?

Very nice work on the MERDC cammo pattern...I really struggled to paint that, and I think you have achieved an excellent result here. Great work. 



  1. Nice work on these (what I still regard as) modern AFVs. 1984 was just last week wasn't it? I don't have the cajones for camp, but appreciate others who do it this well.

  2. Great looking vehicles, I have a real soft spot for the M109s. Good work Grahame!

  3. Great work Greg, excellent rendition of the camo pattern. I still scratch my head however at which ripe sets let you have SP guns and MLRS on table - perhaps if the Soviets are overrunning the front lines🤪but I can understand why you want the vehicles !

    1. Of course “rule sets” not “ripe sets”. Sorry

  4. Brilliant camo and AFV's. Brings back memories of rows of equipment heading to the middle east back in the early 90's. Yes I'm that old. Well done.

  5. Tanks for posting some Tanks with inspiring camo paint jobs!

  6. Lovely painting and camo on these.

  7. Opening Salvo in a nmber of Points Bombs?! Great painting

  8. Great job on these, always nice to see some 15mm vehicles.
