Wednesday 7 February 2024

From KenR : Condottieri, Castles and Hills (226 points)


A mixed bag this week, I didn't post anything last week as I was preparing for the first outing of the Mentana Game at York (more later) lots of things like sorting boxes for transport etc that are important but not exactly good for scoring 😁

I have to say that this post felt more like a maths exam than a painting competition but we got there in the end ! In the background you can see the part of Mentana Town which I built over the last couple of weeks for the game, first up, the hill.

The hill is sat on my normal gaming board and has been specifically built to fit the Mentana Castle on. It's a 3mm mdf base, a xps foam core top which has been cut into a rough hill shape. This is then covered with modelling plaster and tile grout as a base. Once dry it's painted mid brown (or grey for the rocky outcrops) and to finish off I've added layers of static grass to blend it in with the base boards. 28mm Cavalry Base for scale.

Next up is the Medieval part of the Town walls. This is a plastic modular kit from Tabletop Workshop, OOP but still available from some retailers. It's been glued together then the hard work done with spray cans, before blocking in individual bricks, weathering and pin washing.

Finally we have the Renaissance part of the walls, now this is a proper mix mash. The core of the building is two Large Bastle Houses from Sarissa Precision which have had the roofs cut down and glued together end to end. After that I added the corner Turrets using toilet roll card and Rendera Bell Tents for the roof. Finally I've done my tried and tested stippled filler, sand and paint to get the final look. After the messy bit I've simply added some plastic card tiling to the roof and added some terrain juice to add some contrast.

Above is the town (with added pieces done pre Challenge) at the York Show.

Scoring (from my notes) the tower (I needed to invoke the power of pi for this) was 124 sq in whilst the walls were 71.5 for a total of 265 sq in.

The Renaissance Castle is 12.6 x 4 x 8 for 404 sq in

The Hill is in two layers (irregular so I've guesstimated for gaps etc) 35 x 23 x 1 and the top deck 15 x 18 x 1 for a total of 805 + 270 = 1,075 sq in

Grand total of 1744 sq in, there are 216 sq in in a 6' cube so dividing the two gives 8.1 cubes or 161 points, can I lie down now please !

That's one project done and back to another, top tip if you do Projects in the same scale in the same country you can use the same terrain ! 

Many of you will be familiar with my Italian Wars and bar diversions for Libary entries it will be back to my old favourite for the rest of the Challenge. Above is one of two units of Foundry Miniatures 28mm Condottieri in Service of the Papal States.

Above is the second one with colours of Julius II the Warrior Pope. Flags are Flags of War for the top unit and Petes Flags for the second. A little background on these, a friend past away last year and left me his entire collection, I'm still finding things in the huge amount of boxes I collected from his house. 

One thing I found recently were some painted Foundry Horses, which you see here, I've painted and added the riders and flags so I'm only claiming for those at 12 x 28mm "foot" at 5pts each plus four flags at a point each.

That's a total of 225. Hopefully I can get a ship done for next week while I crack on with a Pike Block in the background.


Hi Ken - another amazing post from you. Your terrain looks incredible of course, although I'm sure nobody will be surprised to know that my mind breaks the moment I read the words "foam core" and it all might as well be Klingon or something from there onwards...but it sure looks amazing. I cannot question your math - as I utterly lack the qualifications! If you say it is "8.1 cubes", that is good enough for me!

The best part are the mounted lads (yes, even though your terrain is utterly stunning, my mind always goes to the painted miniatures - I have a brain wiring problem or something). It is great to that you are honouring your friend by getting these beautiful figures completed and integrated into your own collection. Lovely stuff. 

The spreadsheet tells me this comes out to 226 points. I won't argue with the spreadsheet - so that is 226 points for you!



  1. Lovely work on that castle and hill!

  2. Replies
    1. Cheers Dave, amazing what a Wargamer can do with an old toilet roll !

  3. Terrain maths is a horrible chore, your condottieri are awesome mind

  4. Terrain is superb. Love the condottieri as well.

  5. Wonderful work Ken. Aren't those old Foundry castings great. They hold up so well. Beautiful job all around.

    1. Definitely one of my favourites, even though I have painted hundreds of them and their aren't that many variations I can still get a tune out of them !

  6. Wonderful work on the condottieri and terrain. Impressive view from your table at the York show as well.

    1. Thanks Tom, the advantage of being up in the gods at the show is getting that sky background 👍

  7. That terrain is amazing and I totally respect what you’re doing with your friend’s stuff as I had the same thing happen with a friend passing so have been doing the same.

    1. Cheers Jamie, sorry about your friend. It just seems like the right thing to do rather than just leaving them in a box

  8. Wonderful stuff again, Ken! I really like your style, clear and bright colours, but they still look realistic.

    1. Cheers, none of that watery contrast Paints 😉😁

  9. Lovely work Ken. Looks like a beast of a project underway.

    1. Round 2 of the Italian Wars, with the 1,000 plus figs from round one it should be a table bender !

  10. Great post and really enjoyed seeing some fantastic Renaissance models - is it me or not so much posted in this period so far in the challenge? Anyway big thumbs up to terrain and figures!

    1. It's a popular periods for sure these days 👍

  11. Amazing cavalry, but it’s the terrain that steals the show. Wonderful results and worth all of the considerable time and effort invested.

    1. Thanks Peter, my house was having lots of messy play times !

  12. wondering work on the minis and the terrain is fab, I love the foundry castings as well.

  13. Great entry Ken - Renedra and toilet roll I shall have to remember that - R&T not G&T. Great cavalry

    1. Many thanks, its almost like Rendera built the tent on the end of a toilet roll it fitted that well !

  14. Fabulous work Ken, loving those Gendarmes

  15. Hello Ken, I saw your terrain "LIVE" at VAP24, squirrelled away which is all the more frustrating as your 1866 Garibaldean demo was easily best at the show. So the terrain worked overlooking kepis, the odd machine gun and rifles as it does for these fine Italian Wars figures - Another period I am desparate to do but dare not.

    1. Thanks very much, it was nice to do the show at least people liked the game 👍
