Saturday 10 February 2024

From KyleC - Reinforcements (Fantasy) (95 PTS)

So the Warriors of Chaos army project continues to grow.. though the lighting in my garage is not the best for army photos.. 😔

First with some Marauders and then also a powerful Chariot. 

So first up.. after the test model the other week, I spent the last 2 weeks working on these guys bit by bit. 

Spending a bit more time on each model to give a bit of variation on the skintones. Playing with basic skin colors but also different shades of grey and cream colors to give some hues throughout the unit. 

The armor I did not go full red as they are but Marauders. Not yet worthy of the fully blooded armor that the warriors receive. So between the darker black lower armor, the lighter sun averse skintones.. the reds they do get pop a bit further. 

Next real step will be to sand and paint the movement trays, but I do plan to do that for the whole army together. 

Now the big baddie here.. the Chaos Chariot blessed by Khorne. Ready to run over his enemies to feed him with skulls and blood. And even rocky terrain won't deter them from their mission. 

I have had this part assembled in pieces ready for painting since well before COVID was a thing. 

I am glad that I waited though as the motivation for painting it was much higher now, and the amount of effort I could put into it 

Plus for the first time in a long time I am liking how this red came out. A good mix of GW reds wet blended and stippled on top of each other. With a dark burgundy wash in the shadows. But I was finding it too unsaturated.. so I then glazed the Blood Red Contrast thinned over if all. Before tackling the highlights once more to just push it that much further. 

The base is corkboard, dirt, pebbles, and some resin printed bits before tufts of grass were added. 

Fantasy section completed now. 

So altogether we get a nice addition to the army and some points for the trouble also. 

9*5 pt Infantry = 45 pts
1*20 pt chariot/vehicle = 20 pts
2*5 pt riders = 10 pts
Fantasy section = 20 pts
Total 95 pts

Couple characters and more troops to come next.. 

Really nice Chaos models here Kyle! With the return of ersatz-Warhammer Fantasy Battle the thoughts of many are turning back to square bases and your work is really fuelling that excitement. I agree with you that the red looks great. Good work and 95 points for you!



  1. Great work for the old world. Well done Kyle.

    1. Thanks Bruce. Been a minute since I did a RnF army, so this is nice to come back to and work on again!

  2. Wonderful looking Chaos loons, Kyle! That chariot must have some bad@ss Bilstein suspension to manage the Chaos wastes. :) Also I love seeing your castle walls serving as background.

    1. The chariot is made by the makers of Fast and Furious ;) Wait for the rocket pack upgrade to be announced soon :D And yeah, the castle wall is still a gem for me and love to bring it out when I can.. Just need better lights in the garage to take better photos with it now.

  3. Excellent stuff Kyle - that Chariot is going to hit like a truck!!

    1. I really do hope so.. no idea on the rules for it for ToW, but will find out when I do finally get a chance to play :D

  4. Wonderful red on the chariot.

    1. It is starting to grow on me.. got a bit more adjusting to go but I do like how this red is coming out now!

  5. I love that chariot- great painting!

  6. That is truly a brilliant force for the field of the Old World, very nicely done Kyle!

    1. Thanks Sander.. not sure if its brilliant, but it will look nice on the table at the very least! Spending more time on this than I normally do for an army project!

  7. Great work here. Inspires me to maybe fish out my old marauders and give them a refresh

  8. They look really nice, the red has come out really well and I especially like the varied skin tones as I tend to be a bit lazy and keep them the same.

    1. Thanks. I really wanted to give the unit some variety and the skin tones was the best way to achieving it. Plus it gives me something out of the monotonous painting of a unit.

  9. Stunning painting and models Kyle
