Saturday 10 February 2024

From SebastianR: Neither big not clever (24 points)

So I have made some... spicy varnishing choices in order to keep the challenge ball rolling. I now have a comprehensive theory of frosting. It's just moisture. And sometimes a can going bad, but mostly moisture.

In order to get these warhound titans done I risked two gloss varnishes, and just about got away with it, despite it being ~10deg and damp. I wont be doing that again.

I shouldn't have to explain why these Legions Imperials titans fit the bill for Oversized Books. Are they the biggest models I've ever painted? No. (Although they might be some of the biggest I've painted since before uni). Are they the biggest 1:1 scale models I've painted? Also no. They're not even the biggest 1:1 scale models I've painted this challenge, with the Type 1934 being as wide in beam as the Warhound is tall (warhammer lore inconsistencies notwithstanding).

But they are the walking embodiment of the silliness of the 40k (or 30k as the case may be) setting. Proof that not only do sci-fi writers have no sense of scale, but that they think the square-cube law is for other, lesser, forms of nerds.

And I'm completely in love with them. As I assembled them, I was overcome with a real sense of adoration, to the extent that I've swiped myself a half price Adeptus Titanicus box set to augment my force of wildly impractical warmachines.

The colour scheme and livery is an attempt at the Fureans... er... legion (?), although sans flame templates I settled for the ubiquitous hazard stripe markings, and both yellows I used are probably too yellow; I must add more orange for subsequent engines. But I do love my big stompy JCBs.

I'm still learning lessons about masking and airbrush use.

They'll be matt varnished and flocked at a later date once the humidity has come down and I can avoid frosting them for a third time...

So that's 2 6mm vehicles... *raises eyebrow at Dallas* 2 six millimeter vehicles... *cough*...

2*6mm vehicles AT18 Warhound Titans x 12 points each for 4 24 whole points

Challenge location at 20 points

for 24 points

Sebastian, Sebastian, Sebastian... good try on the oversized books but it's gonna be a "no" from me. The spirit of the section is to submit a large model, and while these represent huge vehicles, there's no getting around the fact that they are... small models. I think that scoring them at two points is a bit miserly though. Delving back into the Challenge archives I've seen a score of 12 points awarded for an Adeptus Titanicus Warhound Titan, so I'm gonna go with that. Coincidentally it tallies with the points total you'd claimed anyway. I like the colour scheme for the Legio Fureans titans here. Good work!



  1. Really nice Warhounds Sebastian. I especially like the black caution stripes. Have to try that myself on a future titan sometime. The groundwork is great too. Well done!

  2. Great work on these. Love Curt, I really like your basing. Also love the duck feet these guys have. The minions continue to hold tight to location bonus points.

  3. Oh gosh these look absolutely stunning! Great how you alternated the stripes to keep them individual yet looking like a unit!

  4. Lovely work here! Hazard stripes are no joke, so kudos for such a great job on them!

  5. They look awesome! Great work on that yellow; very clean.

  6. Excellent work Sebastian and I really dig the hazard stripes.

  7. Lovely colour combination that along with the pose gives them a Reptilian effect
