Monday 26 February 2024

From SanderS: Part 1 - calling the library cart for a magical journey! (125 points)


Last week Martijn was of course right; I was interpreting the Naval Theme a bit too broadly and so, in order to not see my library card revoked, I request a trip with Lady Sarah's cart to the Statue of a Famous person room. 

As is usual I am submitting a figure of a female person as payment. It is a rather special one to me and it takes a while to explain as I have mentioned elsewhere. Let me take you back to my late twenties, I had just entered Warhammer Fantasy and 40K in earnest (there weren't many other wargaming systems being played over here) and I had a Dwarf- and Empire army for WFB. When the Bretonnian and Lizardmen boxed set was released I was immediately taken with the Bretonnians, as many people do, because what's not to like about heavy armoured knights thundering on in lance formation? 

I bought a few character blisters and was thinking of really building up the army when price increases and the bigger amount of figures needed to field units, made it neigh on impossible for me to pay for such an army. The Old World came to an end not much later and the figures stood around in my cabinets gathering dust. 

New games emerged on my scope and budget was needed, so with pain in my heart I sold my Empire and Bretonnian figures. The only figure I didn't sell was my Bretonnian Damsel in blue as pictured below. 

I am in a dubio whether I should re-paint her or keep her like this with a new horse...what do you guys think?

Now enter one of my best gaming buddies Mark, he had the larger part of the aforementioned WFB boxed set lying around and gave them to me. I was really happy with the Bretonnian Knights of the Realm and Archers in there and started looking for characters on the secondhand market, scoring a few on and off if they weren't too ridiculously priced. Just a while back Mark rang me up and asked: "Are you still looking for Bretonians?"Yeah sure I answered, why? Mark was with one of his oldest friends (Herman) and Herman had a huge Bretonnian army and was looking to get rid of it. After some discussion we came to an agreement: I would paint some Space Dreadnought 3000 vessels and a Green Knight, Louan Leoncouer and a trebuchet crew for him and he would give me an entire 3000 point Bretonnian army containing pretty much every single character and special unit there ever was... I pinched myself several times to see I wasn't dreaming. 

Most of the Space Dreadnougth stuff is painted (you saw some last week) and I have started on the Bretonnian characters as well as some units I get to keep. So I now had 3 more Damsel figures (the same as my old one) 2 mounted and one dismounted and I decided to put one up on a royal pegasus. The damsel is going to be one of the main characters in my background story for the army and while I will be painting her on horse and foot soon, I also very much wanted her older, more seasoned version on a pagasus as well. Her name is Madeleine de Montelor, the sister of my main character Louis Baron de Montelor. Let's be clear, Louis is me, my second name is Lodewijk (the Dutch equivalent of Louis) and our house is right next to a hill called the "Lorberg" roughly translated into French that could well be Montelor (an abreviation of Mont de Lor = Mountain of Gold) My favourite colours are Black and Dark Blue, see how it all works out? Oh and if I would have been born a girl, my name would have been...can you guess? Yup so Madeleine is me in a way too. I will tell you the largest part of their story when I get to paint up Louis, for now you will have to do with Maddy on Pegasus. 

Maddy is accompanied by a unit of Halbardiers, Herman put them together from the "newer" plastic set and I rather like the old metal ones better. So I decided these were part of the Duke of Brionne's army rather than Louis'. 

A few days ago I was talking to Mark about the figures and mentioned the Halbardeer unit as "Herman's Halbardeers" Mark said that it would be nice if they were to be known as such for the foreseeable future as it hints at their origins. Therefore I translated it into French and now their banner features their unit name as Hallabardier d'Herman. 

I also painted up another metal archer to fill the Brigands of Bergerac out to 10 men.

They are based on old 20mm bases and for the Old World that should be 25mm ones, I found STL files for movement trays that measure up to the required facing of 5x 25mm bases put aside each other and they also have a nice handle at the back that makes it easy to move them along the field. 

You will have noticed the lack of tufts, somehow every Challenge again, I find myself without tufts. One would think I'd learn from that and order some aforehand but sadly no. Now on the (also 3d printed) base of the Pegasus, I won't be using tufts anyway, since I think they do not go well with the printed plants. 

So now we come to the points counting, one mounted and 19 foot figures in 28mm sum up to 105 add to this the location bonus of 20 and it should be 125 points right? 

Cheers Sander


Sylvain: In this post, I enjoyed both your pictures and your stories. It's always fun to learn a little about the past life of fellow challengers. the miniatures in this submission are just gorgeous. Nothing says "Eat my dust!" in the fantasy genre like riding a Pegasus. Your hallebardiers are full of nice details that you highlighted very well. Great production this week!



  1. Terrific backgrounder to your Bretonnian force. I also really like the printed sabot and scenic bases. Lovely work.

    1. thanks, I am still tweaking the bases, I can't seem to blend the scenics with the base itself in the slicer...

  2. Amazing figures with a great back story. Love that banner.

    1. well it was a way to thank Herman for his generous gift!

  3. Nice work Sander, great story.

  4. Excellent background and even higher end painting. Well done.

  5. Madelaine on the Pegasus is sooo cool!
    And the background history of the figures/you was lovely to read, very much looking forward to more 😊

    1. why thank you dear Lady, I have one more post like this planned for Challenges end.

  6. Excellent painting and a touching story. Well done!

  7. Superb, one of the best entries in the challenge to date in my book
