Friday 16 February 2024

From TomL: Manga (55 points)


Bringing us to the manga stacks is the other Angel of Justice from Crooked Dice, Thunder. In my pulp adventure they are one of the most feared vaguely undercover detective teams on the street.  Keeping the new Mod Dance bar scene safe once dance floor at a time.  

For my entry in the manga section I am going old school with a WWII era Captain America & his plucky sidekick Bucky.  This is the WWII version of this dynamic violent duo are armed to the teeth and not accepting nonsense from anyone.

I picked up these figures through a post on LAF long ago. I don’t believe they are in print anymore. These were painted with Foundry, Vallejo metal color and Two Thin Coat acrylics.

Points - 55.
3 28 MM figures @5 = 15.
Library Manga section -  20.
Sarah’s cart - 20 points. 

My therapy exercises seems to be keeping my previous nerve issues at bay so I'm hoping to reach many of the remaining rooms before we run out of time. I think my points goal should increase to 1000. 

From Millsy: Disco clearly isn't dead and it's gonna shoot you if you disagree! Wow that's bright Tom and super cool too. Captain America & his plucky sidekick are also very well executed. Nice work all round.


  1. Great stuff Tom! Pretty Sure the Cap and Bucky were originally made by "What The" miniatures - they look awesome!

    1. You’re right, they definitely sold these figures. Could be the same guy before he organized a company. Or maybe it was on the side after Marvel found them. Very nice sculpts.

  2. Simply wow! The vibrant colors are amazing. Love the models.

  3. Those are superb, that orange really shines

  4. Lovely work. Love the jumpsuit

  5. That irange really worked out well!

  6. That orange really worked out well!

  7. Great characters and painting!

  8. Wow, LOVE these!
    Again, it's the lady that really catches my eye. Wonderful work.
