Thursday 7 March 2024

From MartinC: Unexpected Missing Weeks [Literature] (160 points)

So I've missed 2 weeks of submissions and this one isn't a bomb. There is no horrible reason for this, but stuff has been happening. Basically in the last 2 weeks I've applied for early retirement, yay, but have to wait until May to find out if I'm going to be successful, boo. If I am then I will retire but end August, maybe earlier. This is at least 12 months earlier than I was planning, double yay. My retirement plans include me moving down South to be closer to my family and my wargaming confederates. It's not very far South, only an hour. So I put my house on the market and started to look for another one. Putting your house on the market means tidying up and doing little bits of decorating to hide stuff. I've spent much of the last 2 weeks doing that. 

Good news is someone has put an offer in at market value, the 1st viewer. Looked at houses last weekend and looking at one again on Saturday before playing a game with Dave. 

So excuses over, time to show you some painting. 

The Russians are progressing, another grenadier battalion, the 2nd battalion Little Russia regiment

These are a mix of Perry bodies with some Warlord heads - you don't get enough grenadier heads for a full battalion. The Warlord heads have collars attached, whereas the Perry ones don't so trimming was needed.

But you can't tell. One more battalion to go and I've completed my planned russian infantry. However I do need another 4 battations to complete the division (or maybe 8). But at the moment I have a 10ft table full, so that should be enough.

Next up a trip to the literature section and the Green Knight. Sir Gawain and the Green knight is a 14th C English story. Basically the Green knight challenges Gawain. if he can stike him then the Green Knight will return in a year and a day to return the blow. Gawain beheads the Green Knight, who promptly picks up his head and wanders off, to return a year and a day later......

The figure is a resin one from Sundered Studios and is a lovely model

But it is very fragile. The sword has been replaced with a mace, one of the antlers is broken and the whole thing has far too many pins holding it together and to the stand

I do love the figure though

Finally a single warrior monk by an unknown manufacturer. i have no clue how I got it or how long I've had it

So I think that completes my tour around the library and the Snowload can present me with my task. I have thoughts on this.

Scores on the doors

28mm Russian Grenadier Battalion = 22x5 = 110
Couple flags = 2x1 = 2
28mm Mtd Russian Officer = 1x10 = 10
28mm Green Knight = 1x10 = 10
Literature Section bonus = 20
28mm crusader monk = 1x5 = 5

Total = 157pts

TeemuL: Congratulations on your plans, let's hope they are successful! You have been successful in the Library at least and your Russian project is almost done (it will never get better than "almost done", I assure you). I really like the simple and humble monk, I'm sure he feels like home with the Russians or the Green Knight, I'd say a very versatile model. The Green Knight is excellent and steals the show! Very nice green colours and highlights, I'll give you couple of more bonus points for the heraldy, base and awesomeness in general. Excellent miniature!


  1. Congrats on future retirement and the house saga. Great subissions all around. The knight is superb.

  2. Lots going on eh Martin! These models look great though, nice conversions on the Russians and the Green Knight looks fantastic!

  3. Probably means I need to move further away šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Grand stuff - more gaming to come

    1. Have looked for houses in Guisborough but that would be creepy

  4. I was curious to why you were so quiet, but now we know! That's fabulous news, Martin - I hope it all works out for you! I'm sure it will be terrific to be closer to family and friends (not to mention a LOT more hobby time). Oh, and great minis here too! :) The Green Knight (perhaps the first eco-terrorist?) is fab and I like the minimalism of the monk as well. Great work!

  5. Wonder work. Good luck on the move and retirement.

  6. Great news - I took early retirement 4 years ago; you won't regret it. Nice Russians!!

    1. ta, everyone says it's brilliant. I've done my shift, and somebody else's as well

  7. Great news on the retirement and house front! Well done! Some fab looking figures, well worth the wait.

  8. I will keep my fingers crossed for your retirement and selling/ buying a house! I love the Green Knight, such a great model and paintjob! Keep us posted.

  9. Congrats Martin, may the future hold lots of time with family friends and just a few well painted figures like the ones on show here. Really nice, love the Russians.

  10. That green knight is great!

  11. Excellent work, the monk is my favourite

  12. Sounds like your retirement and relocation plans are moving along nicely. I should do some thinking about those things some time….
    Nice catchup figures, really like the Russkies and the lone monk.

  13. Best of luck with the retirement plans Martin, bet the biggest room clean at home for the sale would have been the painting desk!
