Friday, 17 January 2025

Friday again!


I do not know how it is in your neck of the woods, but here in Belgium December has been uncommonly gloomy. With only 1/3 of the usual amount of sunshine (all of 17 hours for the month) it was very dark, and January has been a little better, but not much. So, the sunshine will have to come from our painting Challenge. Luckily, the Friday crew have prepared at least glorious contributions for you!

As you contemplate your journey through Dante’s Inferno, you might consider some true Belgian Beers for the next stages, which today are Gluttony and Greed.

For Gluttony, I propose Baccus.  Named after the Greek god of wine and drunkenness. Now I would not go that far, but enjoying a int of Bacchus might suit you. It is an old brown ale (oud bruin), which means that it is dark and sweet. Originally, Oud Bruin was developed to be able to sell beer that was, essentially, a failure. The beer was sweetened to make it drinkable. Usually, Oud bruin has a fairly low alcohol percentage of about 2%, but Bacchus is rather strong for an Oud Bruin with 4.5.

For Greed, I suggest Satan Red. It is an amber coloured beer  which is top-fermented. Top fermented beers have a wider range of flavours and aromas, whereas bottom-fermented beers tend to be milder in flavour and often cleaner and crisper. Satan is a relatively recent beer, developed  in the 1980’s. Satan red has an alcohol percentage of 8%. It is a fruity beer, with a sweet-bitter taste


As always, drink responsibly and enjoy today’s posts!


  1. That Satan's Red looks tempting!

  2. Interesting facts. I remember drinking Jupiler Tauro when I was in Belgium. Among others...

  3. Great brushwork. They look so real. Good enough to drink ;)

  4. A wonderful tour of some delicious looking Belgian beer Martijn. I look forward to sampling some of these when we're next in your part of the world.
