Friday, 10 January 2025

From AdamW: If it ain't nailed down. Greed (44pts)

For the hat-trick my next Divine Comedy entry for this week is for the Greed circle.

Those pesky Vikings are at it again. After having their way with the local females in the Lust circle, they have decided to plunder anything they can. A clear case of greed if ever I saw one.

These full of character 15mm figures are from the Peter Pig Dark Ages range.

I'm not entirely sure why they are stealing a couple of crates of skulls. Maybe they are religious relics, or maybe they are going to convert them into knife holders and sell them on Etsy. Clearly they are just greedy and will take anything if it isn't nailed down.

(Maybe I should have entered the skull side challenge after all)


12 x 15mm figures @2pts = 24 pts
Greed bonus =20 pts

Total 44pts

Another nice take on a Challenge theme, Adam! I am not sure I like where these are going, but they seem sufficiently greedy to me. Peter Pig seem to have some very colourful figures in their ranges! Your third submission today (!) thus gains you another 44 points.


(Oh. Please don't forget to add your tags! We want to be able to find you...)


  1. Boy. Even the dead aren’t safe from these greedy raiders. Nicely done.

    1. When I ordered it was expecting a box of gold not skulls. I was going to alter it but kind of like the weirdness. I .might alter one box after all.

  2. Knife holders - good one. Terrific work Adam.

    1. I saw a skull knife holder the other day which made me think of it!

  3. You're killing it with these tiny Vikings!

  4. These wee Vikings are great and the differing poses wonderful.
