Friday, 10 January 2025

From AdamW: Vikings horny, but not on their helmets. Lust (58 points)

Dante's Divine Comedy : Lust

 This is my entry for the Lust circle of hell. No explanation or justification really needed to explain this one, as it's pretty clear why the Viking victors are taking their female captives.

The figures are 15mm from Peter Pig, painted using mainly Army Painter speedpaints (not a gimmick KenR ;) ).

I didn't really have anything suitable for this and some others sections so I had to temporarily increase the lead pile. My initial overall plan was to concentrate on painting up projects, but as a newbie I wanted to take part in the Divine Comedy Challenge for fun.  Obviously I could have just painted individual figures, but these sorts of mini-vignettes can be used on the table.

As an historical gamer it's probably the first time I've painted a female chest, but as the intro by Curt says, the figures could be titillating..........

 20  19x 15mm Vikings/prisoners @2pts  = 40  38pts
Lust Bonus = 20 pts

Total 60 58 pts

There are two Vikings carrying their victims on their shoulder. I have counted each at two figures, as although they are one casting, they were sold as two figures and took as long to paint. Hope that's ok?

(phew that was distracted and almost hit that tempting little Publish button)

An excellent contribution for the Lust theme, Adam, very creative! You put those speedpaints to good use, and I agree that they are certainly not a gimmick. 

As for your points, I am going to be a litte strict here though. Partial  figures, such as prone figures for instance, are only gaining you half the points value. I think it is fair to treat the carried models the same way.  So, 58 points for you! 



  1. I like the dynamism of these models. Great work

  2. Thanks Martjin, and no problem ref the points. As a Newb I wasn't sure how it worked. The points are just a bit of fun and a challenge for me. I can see they are far from perfect, after seeing some masterpieces get the same points as figures which are just one colour! It's all about getting stuck in and enjoying it.

  3. Great scene created, and excellent 15mm work.

  4. These figures certainly tell a tale. Nice work

  5. Lots of rape and pillage going on here. Lovely work, I hadn't realized that these were 15s until I checked the figure manufacturer.
