Friday, 10 January 2025

From AdamW: Love those tiger feet. Gluttony (27pts)

 This is my entry for the Gluttony circle of hell for Dante's Divine Comedy. 

 I originally intended to build a lavish medieval banquet and have a rather full king or knight in a chair or throne.  Unfortunately I struggled to find what I needed in 15mm, but came up with this alternative

Whilst looking through my spares boxes I came across a couple of 15mm tiger figures that were part of a Vietnam pack by Peter Pig.  They have languished in the box for many years, and I suddenly realised that there was nothing to say 'the Glutton' had to be human.

I also dug out some casualty figures that had been tossed in there as I don't usually use them.  I painted them fairly generically in a kind of green Khaki so I could use them for any side.

So there we have it, a very greedy Tiger slowly following the last survivor who is attempting to crawl away. He is the equivalent of 'one more wafer thin mint'.


1 x 15mm Tiger @2pts = 2pts
1 x 15mm Kneeling figure @2pts = 2pts
3 x 15mm prone figures @ 1pt = 3pts

Gluttony bonus = 20pts

Total 27 pts

Haha, this one made me laugh, Adam! What a great take on the theme, great idea and flawless execution. 27 points it is!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. I'm sure I'll slip it in the jungle for a few games.

  2. Great diorama, brilliant idea for the Theme.

    1. Thankyou. Nice to use up some bits too.

  3. Lovely painting on the tiger.

    1. Thanks. Was pleased it turned out OK first try.

  4. brilliant take on the abyss circle and excellent diorama as well

  5. Yep, great take on the Circle. 'Just one more bite to set me up for my nap...'

  6. Wounded, they taste Grrrrreat! Good work.

  7. A great idea Adam! Nice brushwork too!
