What’s great about AHPC? Getting stuff done. I purchased these last year at AdeptiCon as I enjoy playing WW2 games with early war as a favorite. Had done up a squad and blocked in another and was drawn away a few months ago. So why not get after them. These are Crusader miniatures. Thick in body and gun barrels. This makes them easy to paint and sturdy for the table top. The faces are not the greatest but helmets cover most of these.
Here are support options. Leader, AT rifle, crew, and light mortar done in an effort to allow a game of Chain of Command game in the future.
I used a rattle can base coat Vallejo light brown, blocked in flesh, light green for webbing, dark brown for wood items and black foot wear. I next wash them and highlight all with the same color mixed with Iraqi sand. Some static grass and tufts. Done
Great work here once more Bruce. You are right - getting stuff done is, indeed, one of the great past of the AHPC! Your workman-like approach has paid dividends on these lovely sculpts. I'm with you on the Crusader sculpts - whatever might be lacking on the faces, the sturdy bodies - and gun barrels - more than make up for it.
Your early-war BEF look great - that's another 40 points for you!
Wonderful work on these early war Tommies, Bruce! Stay warm and work on minis!!
ReplyDeleteVery nice painted British figures! I like them!
ReplyDeleteGood work, Bruce.
ReplyDeleteNice. Look forward to seeing the rest next week. Hope you and the animals keep warm.
ReplyDeleteGreat painting!
ReplyDeleteGreat set of BEF figures
ReplyDeleteReally nice work
ReplyDeleteWell done Bruce!
Bruce your Brits would suit me - I like how you have picked out the details but kept the paint style suitably subdued for men looking to blend in to their location.....