Wednesday, 19 February 2025

From GavinB- New WoTR Army, Disturbing T28 fellows, and The Walking Dead, Oh My! (145 points)

And I swore to myself that I would not be a wargames butterfly, and yet here we are... 

Hello everyone, sorry its been a while! For my birthday I received the Wars of the roses supplement for Hail Caesar 2nd edition and decided to start a new division. (Ill take any excuse I can get to paint more WoTR Figures) This time I choose to make Richard Neville, 5th earl of Salisbury, and I figured I'd try a new basing system too, because I'm not very pleased with the way I did them in the previous division 

Anyway I made two test bases of troops, one of bill and the other of bow, and I was pretty happy with the results. When I start a new project I always get exited about making the command base, So as soon I finished the test figures, I pulled some Green Stuff, multiple boxes of perry plastics, and a 100mm base and got to building. At first I planned on using the metal Perry miniature of the earl of Salisbury on foot, but it just didn't feel right, I wanted him on a horse, so I built a new Salisbury from the mounted men at arms set and sculpted a bevor onto his face that way it resembled the metal foot version of him. After the other fellows were built I smashed some  modeling compound onto the base making it appear as if he and his his men were charging down onto a road. And In the end I was very pleased with how it came out!

17 x 28mm foot figures (Including both the unit bases and command base) for 85 points

2 mounted figures for 20 points

Totaling 105 points

This man at arms really adds some personality to the base!

I bit of string always make archers look a lot better!

And The Command Base:


A close up of Richard

My attempt at hand painting a flag...

Turnip28... On my last post I had made a unit of Fodder for the Parsnip Pustules 91st. Well now its time to give those guys a toady to command them and who better to lead the Fodder into battle than  Peeves! (Or "Little P" as his men call him) But with Peeves's little stubby legs he cannot maneuver about the battlefield quickly to keep up with his men, and with the size he is, he would end up getting lost under the legs of the soldiers and no one would be able to hear his commands. So this is when his handy "assistant" Jim comes in, Peeves rides on Jim's shoulders which kills two birds with one stone, now he sits up above everyone else and Jim's lanky legs let him travel with speed that Peeves alone could never accomplish.

Peeves was built entirely out of green stuff (aside from his hands and pan on his belt) and Jim was just a zombie miniature that I had kicking about with a basinet plate glued onto his face and I did some repositioning of his back and arms. I'm not really sure how much points these two are worth because Peeves is kind of small so I will just not score him and say:

1 28mm figure for 5 points

Oh Jim How did you get yourself tangled up in that barbed wire 

I have one last quick T28 figure and then it will be onto the walking dead. In turnip 28 a lot of people represent battered units with teeth tokens which I will probably switch back to, but I just wanted to try something different so I made a poor guy bleeding out in the mud to represent the battered units. I used a lot of greenstuff to change the position he was in and to make that classic T28 style helmet. Then I caked on a lot of mud and blood!

1 x 28mm Foot figure for 5 points


Does someone need a hand?

Okay sorry about how long this is, but we are at the final section don't you worry! The Walking Dead All Out War! and this weekend I really got the itching to paint up these wonderful miniatures. So I primed a batch of walkers and Clementine, who is obviously one of the best characters in the walking dead, along side Lee Everett. To your relief there is not a whole lot to say about this bunch so...

5 x 28mm Foot figures for 25 points!

I do not want to be that deer !

And Clementine:

Thanks for reading my post, sorry it was a long winded one, I know that you have a lot better things to do than listen to a strange person talk about what he's been painting. And I also apologize for the lighting inconsistencies, I got a special lighting box for taking pictures and I am still figuring it out.

24 28mm figures for 120 points

2 Mounted figures for 20 points

The total points of all of the miniatures is 140 (If my math is right!)
Happy Painting!


Well done Gavin! As you indicate in your headline, this is quite the assortment of painting to take in - and it is all of very high quality. I am always tickled to see some Turnip28 stuff - and "Peeves" looks like he will fit right in with his lot. And we all enjoy seeing more Zombie, and Zombie-adjacent content. 

But I truly tip my hat to your WOTR stuff. I am totally captured by the idea of that period, but the banners/livery is so intimidating to me that I chicken out every time before I try it, and I have a lot of respect for those willing to tackle it. You have done fine work on the fellow who was "the Kingmaker" - at least, I think he was? Anyway, it looks tremendous. I am tossing in a few bonus points for the hand-painted flag - bravo, and thanks for sharing all of these photos and the thoughts which accompany them!



  1. Loads of character in those WotR multi bases, nice work!

  2. Just love the action on tbe WotR command base. Crackin work Gavin.

  3. Lovely work Gavin. I especially like the WotR minis.

  4. The medieval figures are wonderful!

  5. Wonderful. I don’t do it but the cabbage troops are intriguing. Youngster with a hammer is awesome.

  6. Lots of interesting figures. Love the WotR and the Turnip casualty base.

  7. You've got to love a Zombie. Great work on these grusome guys

  8. These WOTR figures are wonderful and the horsemen are atmospheric - especially in the CHARGE picture.
