Sunday, 2 March 2025

From Millsy: The Last (Almost) of the Kruleboyz (62 points)

G'day All,

This is my penultimate Kruleboyz post for this Challenge. There's one monster left which couldn't be finished to make in into this post so it'll appear sometime before the end of the Challenge instead. Just TWO more of these crazy yellow shields to go thankfully...

Shaman Muranduh!

I have still managed to finish the final ten Gutrippaz though, bringing the total to thirty which is a decent chunk of core troops. There's also a Shaman and Pot Grot offsider to add a magical/mystical flavour to the swamp. Goodness knows what goes into the pot given the colour, but I'm 99% certain it's not blueberries.

The tally...

  • 11 x 28mm infantry = 55 points
  • 1 x 40mm infantry = 7 points

Total = 62 points.

Artist: Aphrodite
Album: Aphrodite

Artist: Human Traffic
Album: Movie soundtrack

Artist: Midnight Oil
Album: Red Sails in the Sunset 

Thanks for looking!



Honestly, I know nothing of the Kruleboyz but I do appreciate their skillz in accessorizing! I like all the bits&bobs of the Shaman and the Pot Grot dude is prepared for anything
Be strong Millsy, you CAN paint two more yellow shields  and beautifully too :)

62 points to your scoreboard

- Sarah


  1. Really enjoying the shields, keep at them. Impressed by these miniatures. You have done them proud.

  2. Fantastic work on the greenskins and their purple stew. I have to agree the shields really are worth the effort.

  3. Really great painting Millsy - the greens on the little fellas are really well done

  4. I'm with Sarah about the accessories that these guys are sporting - bewildering and over the top, but beautifully teased out with your talented brush Millsy.

  5. Love the colour choices for the leathers, skin, shields and that purple potion.
