Sunday, 2 March 2025

From JeremyM: 10mm Vampire Counts [gluttony]

 For my gluttony post I chose to focus on a new 10mm army, vampire counts...and I think the volume of pictures and figures is perhaps gluttonous itself this time!

Our gaming group have been playing with a few 10mm scale rules for fantasy figures. Last year we ran a campaign using the excellent M2 ruleset for To the Strongest While it worked well we may decide to experiment with some custom options down the road. While I originally started with a chaos army that was based for warmaster and then used movement trays, I loved Curt's little mini diaromas that I decided to forgo the warmaster option and just base everything on bigger bases for this other system. Everything you'll see is 3d printed with all the figures from forestdragon fantasy's excellent range. I zenithal highlighted them and used contrast style paints to speed the process up, works well with this scale.

Vampire counts have a few figures that struck me as being gluttonous. Let's start with the heroes. I painted up a few vampires mounted and unmounted, a vampire carriage unit, and two necromancers.

The next gluttonous unit I worked on were ghouls. Who better to fit this theme than cannibals that mutated right! I painted up 4 units of them. I tried to differentiate units with a few different colours of figures and themed bases. For my vampire counts army its a fall theme with scenes from a destroyed town, creepy woods, and of course cemeteries.

After that I turned to zombies who are obviously overly gluttonous for 'brains!' With the rules we play they are typically a 'deep' or double sized unit fitting for the horde of undead. They were both fun and unfun to paint as I tried to give each of them different outfit colours and a couple different skin tone options (green for older dead, and fresh zombies as well).

To wrap up my painting for this force I also worked on two units of ghosts, and two units of giant bats....not gluttonous but hey finished them with these others.

A pretty good start to a vampire counts army I hope to hit the tables later this year. Now the tally...and it was a chore to count them all particularly because I didn't put them in rank and file order on the bases (they are horde units after all). 

513 10mm scale figures = 513 points
Gluttony them = 20 points
Total = 533 points.


...... And a Sunday Morning Points Bomb!!
 Well done Jeremy, a very impressive and gluttonous horde!
I really enjoy the diorama basing, very characterful and leads to great storytelling. These baddies will be great on the table top.

- Sarah


  1. An impressive horde! The diaroma bases really add a lot of visual impact on this scale.

  2. Absolutely love these Jeremy. The desiccated trees and spooky buildings really add to these very thematic units. Fabulous work.

  3. A real eye catching army Jeremy, they really stand out

  4. Oh, wow! Absolutely a horde there.

  5. Excellent, Jeremy! Very nice and inspiring bases!

  6. Goodness me that is a lot of the little buggers and they look great.

  7. Wow, great work and basing!
