Sunday, 2 March 2025

From Millsy: More Star Wars Legion (30 points)

G'day All,

Another small batch of Star Wars Legion miniatures for Mos Millsy. These are a mix of official miniatures (first pic) and gorgeous 3D prints (second and third pics). Great fun to paint and I can't wait to play some games with them. Gar Saxon's red piping isn't strictly accurate but I prefer this to canon.

I've also included a few shots of my Mos Millsy table set up for some Friday night gaming action. We played a skirmish gunfight game using a bunch of Star Wars characters and our fast-play home brew rules. Cad Bane proved to be as deadly as he looks, taking down all challengers.

A little 40K terrain may have crept in :-0

6 x 28mm infantry = 30 points.

Thanks for looking!


Star Wars goodness!!
Great photos and I love the vignettes. I can almost hear the movie soundtrack ....
Thanks for sharing and 30 points to your tally
- Sarah


  1. Righto, that’s quite smashing!

  2. Cool looking models and table Millsy - really well done

  3. Wow! So amazing Millsy. Such a fabulous effort - I would love to visit Mos Millsy for a game someday. Such a treat.

  4. Great city setup for your battles. Night not be cannon but the figures look great.

  5. I'm taken back to my wonder in 1977 watching that first movie. The table setup looks superb.

  6. Love the look of the models and Mos Millsy! Very cool indeed

  7. attractive figures nicely painted and presented in an excellent back drop

  8. More Star Wars for Sunday, good! Nice looking characters and your table looks terrific!
