Sunday, 2 March 2025

Skull Duel XV, Canto V

In 1921, for the 600th anniversary of his death, Dante's sarcophagus was reopened for study by anthropology professor Fabio Frassetto. Photographs and models of Dante's skull were taken, as well as moulds of the palate and face.

Chalk model of Dante's skull, by Frassetto.

In the 1930s, Frassetto published a book of his observations as well as a reconstructed sculpt of Dante's face based on his study of the skull.

Frassetto's bust of Dante (helped by sculptor Antonio Borghesani)

Frassetto's grave has a sculpture of him next to his son, who was killed in WW2 and predeceased his father. They are having a discussion on death- alluded to by the skull the Professor is holding. (Originally the sculpt had more fingers, but we miniature painters know the weakness of finely sculpted details...)

The grave sculpts of Frassetto & son. (source)

Skull Duel

  • TeemuL 177
  • DavidB 95
  • JohnS 78
  • Curt 60
  • PeterB 54
  • MikeW 39
  • Barks 18
  • DallasE 15
  • QuinnM 12
  • GregB 12
  • PeteF 11
  • Millsy 6
  • BruceR 3
All to play for as the Challenge surges home! We've seen some colossal swings in previous Skull Duels, and a skulltastic post could flip the leaderboard.

Notable skullz

JamesM's Goliaths have big skullz

Millsy has a few cheeky skullz

DaveV's classic sculpts with classic skull

PeterB's worms know skullz are needed!

MattT's Blood Angels with skully goodness

Sylvain's demon has skullz to bonk you with

DallasE's Cawl with skully embellishments

GregB- trust me, I'm an apothecary.

JohnS consistently does the Slaughterloo

More JohnS treats!

SanderS gets in a sneaky skull.

Skull of the week

StephenS's Punisher with the modern classic logo

It's not too late to enter! Just tag your post with 'Skull Duel' and state in the post both how many skullz you have painted, and what your running total is.

Next Canto will be after the end of the Challenge and declare the Skulltastic winner. And there is more to come for Dante's skull!

1 comment:

  1. Skulltastic! Great work everyone and I am loving the skull knowledge in these posts :-)
