Tuesday, 12 January 2016

From ClintB - 28mm Big trouble in the Tiny Dojo (20 points)

And now today's last entry from Clint. At least that's what he tells me...

One of the things I have promised myself this year is that I will play more zombie games! Well just got back from the wargames club and I have offered to put on a Samuari game next time and a SCW game the time after, so you can clearly see I am keeping my (self made) promise!

Cutting a long story short I do plan a zombie/kung fu game. I know the idea sounds very naff but some games are just for fun! So in support of that idea here are 3 modern martial artists! The figures are Dixon Miniature from the "Yak 03" pack and are totally usable for zombie games set in the modern world. I can picture certain members of the blogosphere frowning at the idea of Kung- Fu Zombies. I can also picture others in the blogosphere grinning like a gin addled gibbon. I am one of the gin addled gibbons who like the idea of modern comic effect horror. I am even grinning as I type this. While the figures are not the very best sculpts they have a cartooniness to them which in my eyes just adds for this game idea. Someone is bound to ask about what rules I will use. And while I could use "a Fist full of Kung fu!" by Osprey I think "7ombie TV" will give a better result. So if you are ready to shout out "Thwack!" "Crunch!" or even "Kaaaaaapow-ie!" please feel free to show me some support for some fun  games now and again! And if you can keep a straight face in a zombie kung fu game well just maybe you are taking the hobby far too seriously!

And in addition another VBCW flag carrier for the BUF. The same Footsore miniatures as last time but as I dropped the figure (Scratching it) and put the flag on upside  down. ("Stop laughing, we all make mistakes" said the Dalek climbing off of the dustbin). If the flag had been geometric I would not worry but the pig had his feet up in the  air and that was not the desired effect. Don't get me wrong I like bacon a lot, but it did look very wrong! So I had to order a few extra flags and wait a couple more days and that is why this is not with the others. Sorry about that it happens!

So all in all 4 extra 28mm figures. Thanks for looking and no more posts until the Epic fail bonus round.

Not sure I believe him about "no more posts" - I'm sure he's monkeying away painting several more entries which he'll submit the drafts for after I've gone to bed.
We do all make mistakes; just look at Miles, Grand Master of the Challenge Spreadsheet, who managed to submit his posts on the wrong day!
I do like those Yakuza guys and that kung fu/zombie mashup game sounds like a hit.
Four 28mm foot figures does give you another 20 points.


  1. Have you seen these ancient chinese Zombies? http://watchfulistudio.com/our-store/ancient-chinese-undead-warriors
    Great Kung-Fu figures and love the ensign.

    1. Thanks Adam I am very aware of Oriental zombies and even Camel undead (yes someone makes them)! But I will be using modern 20th century zombies for this project.

  2. Definitely got "that song" in my head looking a the first set. The flag is impressive.

    1. Thanks Pat. All together now! "Everybody was Kung-fu fighting, there kicks were fast as lighting....."

  3. Kung Fu Zombies sounds like a great idea... though wouldn't their hands or feet come flying off when they try to do a chop/kick? ;)

    The guy in the dark suit looks like Burt Reynolds!

    1. Thanks Paul I had not imagined the zombies doing Kung fu. (That might look as funny as me on the dance floor!)

      I was thinking for a few survivor types trapped in a dojo. All martial arts trained but a distinct lack of guns so almost no Gun-fu!

      As for Burt Reynolds it appears we have the first actor cast in the movie!

  4. Tamsin. I promise no post over night this week. So sleep well and no Nightmares from me!

    Yeah we all make mistakes, but I trust you so any mistakes are just that and not at all deliberate. If this mistake is in the points, they are only points so who cares!

    1. D'oh! Forgot to amend the points in the post title when I saw the BUF standard bearer - corrected it now. You did get the 20 points in the spreadsheet though..

      I'm sure you're trying to lull me into a false sense of security with that promise ;)

  5. Good stuff, I'd play Kung-Fu Zombies.

    1. Thanks Sean. If it was a game at a show I would queue up to play it. But every blogger is different and we should celebrate those differences.

  6. More figures, please. They are fantastic!

    1. Thank you Juan. They were really quick to paint as well. It is a shame I have no more of hem.

  7. Kung Fu Zombies is a fab idea. Anything that shows of these figs will be cool

    1. Thanks Martin. There is something funny (in my mind) about not using weapons in a zombie game.

  8. Have you never played "pass the pigs".... That would have been a 5 point razorback ...

    Cracking effort Clint

    1. Thanks Dave, no I have not played Pass the pigs. Unless that is code for ugly girls in a disco!

  9. Great job Clint - love the notion of Kung Fu Zombies.

    1. Thanks Greg. It puts a smile on my face.

  10. Great job, Clint! ....just what have you been feeding the paint monkey?! The Lil fella seems to be working himself to death! ;)

    1. Thanks David. I have some terrain to make soon so trying to build a points cushion.

  11. You're a busy man sir but it isn't impacting the quality of the output it seems. Nice work Clint!

    1. Thank you Millsy. As mentioned above I will need to slow down soon and build some terrain. so the output will drop.

  12. Lovin' the Kung-Fu action! Keep it coming Clint.

    1. Thank you Curt. I am finding all the work from other participants inspiring. Thanks again for doing this.

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks Fran. I saw them on Colonel Bills and just thought there is a game here! Chop-zeddy!

  14. I guess I am a Gibbon then, they do look good and glad you got the dropped upside down figure all sorted


    1. Thanks Ian. I suspect there may be a troop of Gibbons out there who just will not admit it!

  15. Count me in as one of the gin-addled gibbons even if I never touch the stuff. ;)

    Great work here. That game sounds like too much fun! (Trying not to wince at the thought of punching a zombie in the face, though...)

    1. Thanks David. I like the idea and I know some club members will as well. Others will want to do something serious and historic. Each to their own.
