Thursday, 9 March 2017

JamesM: 'Olé!' 15mm Matadors(48 points)

Hi folks,

My final truck based entry ("thank truck", I hear you say!).

Rumbling down the road from the lead mountain comes 8 x AEC Matador artillery tractors. These are 15mm Battlefront models and will be the 'tractors' for my recently completed 5.5" Medium Guns.

Again, I've decalled these guys up for 79th Medium Regiment (The Scottish Horse), 4AGRA - around the 7th and 8th of August 1944. However, as no one makes the units decals at 15mm, the complete unit decals are on the 'for the future' list - specifically the 21st Army Group formation badge.

I went for a slightly different paint scheme on these, as normally they are seen with black roofs. The 'Mickey Mouse' camo pattern doesn't fit with the rest of my army, and is a bit of a nuisance to paint - so I went with some colours I have seen on re-enactors vehicles.

No fancy bases on these, as they are more gun tractors than HQ vehicles. I don't expect them to see a lot of table time, but it's nice to have the complete unit! Now to fight the urge to have 5.5" guns modelled limbered up!


Very nice work on the work horses, James! The camouflage works well for the scale and although I'd like to see the mickey mouse pattern on them, this version works exceedingly well. I really like the canvas backs as they have the well worn feel to them. I can easily imagine them retaining the box shape if removed from the trucks too! I think they DO need the 5.5 guns...just to be complete! ;)


  1. Nice work on the trucks James :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin! That's me finished with softskins for a bit!

  2. cool, nice to have those in the back of the army. one for the completist

    1. Martin, just need a game and table big enough to use them!

  3. Very nice trucks, but can I say I'm a little disappointed that they are not Toreodors? I've had Carmen as an ear worm since I saw you posts title.

    I agree with David on the canvas tops, and yes I think they could be used as tents off the boxes. But I like the plain green. Please gives us 5.5s

    1. Sorry Peter! There are only so many truck puns I could haul out!

      The trucks are a 1 piece model, so no removing the backs unfortunately! I painted the deployed guns back in January. Limbered Ines would have to be if I could get them cheap!!!

  4. Really like the trucks, mine are the Zvezda ones and may not be quite as nice as these now that I see them all painted up.

    1. Thanks Chris - I did consider the Zvezda ones, but in the end grabbed these during one of the Sales last year. They've been in the lead pile for a while!

  5. Very nice! That's quite a vehicle pool you've got going now!

  6. Lovely trucks and can I add another voice to the chorus praising the tarps (Not a phrase used that often I'd say )
    Best Iain

  7. Well done getting these not-so-glamorous but important pieces completed.
