Wednesday 25 December 2019

From SanderS: First post is a go! (115pts)

Okay okay, how do you guys do it? You take time off when the Challenge starts to paint up something to start it off on the first day right? I have no idea how you lot do it but, the Challenge is all but 4 days old and already I cannot keep up with all the top-notch contributions. This year's Challenge really caught me unaware as I am still only half-way through the prepping!

I have loads of ideas for the Challenge but the foremost one is having fun and finishing off stuff that's been lying around too long!This Challenge is also all about islands. After hearing about Challenge Island, and the fact I have my own spot on the map, I decided I was going to visit each and every locale on there with minimum use of the balloon service ;-) So that journey will start in a while I am sure.

That said, my first entry this year's Challenge will feature a different island or set of islands: the Ghost Archipelago! This is part of the Frostgrave universe/ world, now I do like the idea of wizards touring around with their warband looking for magic treasures and stuff, but the setting of an Ice-city does not speak to me as it apparently does to others.  The Ghost Archipelago setting therefore is really up my street! It can also be very easily be integrated with my Heroquest project. So I have invested in the several of the more recent Nickstarters and this resulted in quite a large stack of Ghost Archipelago miniatures. Here are the first of them painted up.

Some of the human heroes, from left to right: Lady Adalinde, Amuho (in the back), Rhand the Protector and Lord Crowforth the Assasin:

I also made Heroquest cards for them.

The Archipelago is also home to other humanoid races like the Snakemen (or Serpentines as I call them). They are from the plastic set and a love to put together.

There's also a nice spread of white metal characters, from left to right these are Cryssk Soultaker, Lady Esshk the Magician and Grasshakk the Warrior

They are all really characterful and paint up a treat! A picture of all the Snakemen together:

Needless to say I did cards for them as well! 18 Snakemen, 4 Humies and 1 Cortiki amounts to 23 miniatures of 28mm scale and that's 115 points if I am not mistaken!

The last figure for this entry is a spirit of the Ghost Archipelago a Cortiki!


Welcome back to the Challenge, Sander, and Merry Christmas as well! 

I always enjoy seeing your Heroquest entries and this one doesn't disappoint. While, of course, I admire all the wonderful figures that you present here (especially those groovy looking 'Serpentines'), I must say I'm most impressed with the time and effort you put into making all the associated cards for them. They're just terrific! Your Heroquest group is very fortunate to have you creating such an immersive experience for them. Well done.

115 points for your debut on the roster - Great job, Sander!


  1. Well done Sander, that’s a great first entry. I’ve been tempted by Ghost Archipelago myself, and you’ve done a great job on those figures. Also I’m with Curt on the character cards, which seriously rock.

    1. Thanks Peter, but I'll let you in on a secret the cards are made using a generator so are really easily done ;-)

    2. here you go:

  2. Super looking fantasy types, I really like the lizard men!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain, the Snakemen are a real treat to paint!

  3. Awesome looking models!

    And yes, I actually take holidays the first 1.5 weeks of the challenge - well, not especially for the challenge, the company just is on minimal staff as it's a closure period in my sector, but it sounds cooler saying it's for the challenge x-D

  4. Awesome start to the challenge. Your snakemen and explorers seem particularly suited to this year's theme.

    1. Thanks Stuart, that's exactly what I thought as well!!

  5. They look splendid Sander! Really like the adventurers, but tose Serpentines are absolutely ace.

    1. Cheers, they paint up easily enough and the plastic is really versatile at that!

  6. those lizards look particularly good and excellent idea to make up cards to use them in as many games as possible!

    1. Yup, and meanwhile I used them in a great game with the schoolclub already which was great fun

  7. Lovely work, on the figures and the cards!

  8. A great entrance to AHPC X. I really like the snakemen.

  9. Wow! I really like the lizard men, those are wonderful sculpts and brilliant brushwork. But I really like the adventurers and all the cards you made. That is awesome. I like the assassin creed vibe in the assassin with the colors you've chosen, but for some odd reason Omahu is my favorite, he has a wicked club and redskin, obviously he is a warrior of renown! ;)

    1. lol David! Omahu sadly was the only one not used in the game I played recently but I like him a lot too. Must be the grass-skirt eh ;-)
