Thursday 9 January 2020

From JamieM - A Delicate Balancing Act at Cooke's Crevasse (38 points)

Wizards.  What on earth are they about?  Usually stupid sparkly stuff, trying to impress the local wenches/muscle down the local inn most likely.

Take this one for example.  What benefit could it possibly have if you balance a load of rocks on each other and then stand on them?

Bloomin' wizards...... always standing at the back chucking fireballs around or taking no interest in magic armour and only worrying about dusty old books......can't trust an adventurer who thinks like I don't reckon.

What?  Me?  Ever been adventuring?  Not a chance.  Much safer to stay here at the farm.  Probably more fun too.  Right?...... right?......

I thought that was rather a good fun wizard, it's by GW and was originally an Elf, but with a quick headswap with a Greatsword figure, he's now Magnus Purple-Eye (and yes, that was the name of a D&D character I ran back in the day :)  Sadly the original Magnus died in his first dungeon with the exit in sight and so lasted less time in the dungeon than he took to roll up, but that's RPGs for you sometimes!)

But I digress.  He's standing on several pieces of Geology and so I thought he'd be perfect for Cooke's Crevasse and so here he is!

Having enjoyed the rocks, I think I'll be off to Hawkin's Hill next as I have a frankly embarrassingly large choice of figures to paint for there......

5 points for the 28mm figure and 30 points for the location I believe.

From DaveD. aah , our resident telecommicationally challenged geologist has missed a treat here... that just brilliantly executed. The yellow is particularly well done - so lets call it 38 points .  Enjoy your rummage at Hawkins Hill!


  1. Nice painting. He has something of the hipster about him!

  2. Very nice painting! The bright colours suit that particular sculpt rather well.

  3. Great work Jamie! Perched on the rocks, he looks as though he is delivering some manner of lecture on ecology to the ignorant masses...

  4. Very cool figures and basing Jamie. Excellent head swap and I love the precarious foothold.

  5. Magnus Purple Eye is terrific. I like that he's showing off his elvish swear word for the day.

  6. Super looking converted wizard!
    Best Iain

  7. He's a savvy one. The rocks can't fall on the party if you're standing on the rocks!
    Nice work.

  8. Quite a spectacular bit of work there!
